附錄1 | 附錄2 | 附錄3 | 附錄4 | 附錄5
1. 香港法律援助服務指南
Guide to Legal Aid Services in Hong Kong
2. 顧客服務標準
Customer Service Standards
3. 怎樣申請-尋求法律服務
How to Apply Legal Services
4. 怎樣申請民事訴訟的法律援助
How to Apply Legal Aid in Civil Cases
5. 怎樣申請刑事訴訟的法律援助
How to Apply Legal Aid in Criminal Cases
6. 怎樣申請法律援助輔助計劃
How to Apply Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme
7. 怎樣計算你的財務資源及分擔費
How Your Financial Resources and Contribution are Calculated
8. 財務資料一覽表
Financial Information Sheet
9. 法律援助訴訟的分擔訟費及法律援助署署長的第一押記
Contribution towards Costs of Legal Aid Case and Director of Legal Aid's First Charge
10. 法援通訊
LAD News
11. 受助人須知(申請及審查科)
Important Notice for Legally-Aided Persons (Application & Processing Division)
12. 受助人須知 (人身傷害訴訟)
Important Notice for Legally-Aided Persons (Personal Injuries Litigation)
13. 受助人須知 (家事訴訟)
Important Notice for Legally-Aided Persons (Family Litigation)
14. 受助人須知(清盤破產訴訟)
Important Notice for Legally-Aided Persons (Insolvency Litigation)
15. 受助人須知 (刑事組)
Important Notice for Legally-Aided Persons (Crime Section)
16. 便覽-法援婚姻訴訟個案家事調解計劃
Fact Sheet – Mediation in Legally Aided Matrimonial Cases
17. 便覽-民事法援案件 (非婚姻訴訟) 調解計劃
Fact Sheet – Mediation in Legally Aided Non-Matrimonial Civil Cases
18. 便覽-關於離婚法律程序的資料
Fact Sheet – Information on Divorce Proceedings
19. 離婚法律程序流程表
Flowchart for Divorce Proceedings
20. 概要-緊急申請須知
Fact Sheet – Urgent Applications – What You Need to Know
21. 概要-有關管養權聆訊的資料
Fact Sheet – Information on Custody Hearing
22. 概要-離婚後應注意事項
Fact Sheet – Post Divorce Matters which Warrant Attention
23. 便覽-僱員補償申索
Fact Sheet – Employees' Compensation Claim
24. 僱員補償個案的主要程序流程表
Flowchart of Major Steps in a Typical Employees' Compensation Claim
25. 便覽-人身傷亡申索
Fact Sheet – Personal Injury Claim
26. 人身傷亡個案的主要程序流程表
Flowchart of Major Steps in a Typical Personal Injury Claim
27. 便覽-海員欠薪申索
Fact Sheet – Seamen's Wages Claim
28. 海員欠薪個案的主要程序流程表
Flowchart of Major Steps in a Typical Seamen's Wages Claim
29. 便覽-醫療疏忽申索
Fact Sheet – Medical Negligence Claim
30. 醫療疏忽個案的主要程序流程表
Flowchart of Major Steps in a Typical Medical Negligence Claim
31. 香港法律援助服務小冊子 (孟加拉語、印尼語、尼泊爾語、印度語、旁遮普語、
Information Leaflet on Legal Aid Services in Hong Kong (Bengali, Indonesian, Nepali, Hindi, Punjabi, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Urdu, Vietnamese versions)
32. 不滿某人獲批法援可怎麽辦?
Not Happy that Someone is Given Legal Aid Can Anything be Done?
1. 法律援助署年報
LAD Departmental Report
2. 環保報告(只提供網上版本)
Environmental Report (web version only)
Pdf file