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Revised interest rate on charge on property

The rate of interest on the Director’s First Charge registered on an aided person’s home under Section 18A (3B)(b) of the Legal Aid Ordinance, Cap. 91 changed from 2.171% to 2.756% on 1 June 2024 in line with the provisions of the Legal Aid (Charge on Property) (Rate of Interest) Regulation. The new rate will apply from 1 June 2024 to 31 May 2025.

The Legal Aid Department has participated in the “SMS Sender Registration Scheme”

The Legal Aid Department has participated in the “SMS Sender Registration Scheme” introduced by the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) and its “Registered SMS Sender ID” is “#LAD”. Please visit the webpage of OFCA for relevant information.

Payment at Shroff Offices by Faster Payment System (FPS)

FPS has been introduced to the Shroff Offices of the Legal Aid Department as a new payment means. Payers can now use any supporting mobile banking app or e-wallet to scan the FPS QR code to make payments at the Shroff Offices. Due to different maximum transaction limit set by banks or e-wallet operators, payers are advised to contact their banks or e-wallet operators for more details prior to making payments at the Shroff Offices by FPS.

Adjustment to Personal Allowances (01.03.2024)

With effect from 1 March 2024, the amount of personal allowances to be deducted from income when computing an applicant's financial resources has been adjusted.

For full details of the new personal allowances, please click here.

For more information on how the financial resources of an applicant are calculated, please click here.

New Financial Eligibility Limits for Legal Aid

With effect from 2 February 2024, the financial eligibility limits for the Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme (“OLAS”) and the Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme (“SLAS”) have been adjusted upwards. For OLAS, the limit has gone up from $433,010 to $440,800. For SLAS, the adjustment is from $2,165,060 to $2,204,030.