I am pleased to congratulate the Legal Aid Department on its Golden Jubilee, a half century of critical contributions to Hong Kong and the rule of law, which has been so central to our longstanding success as an international economy and community.

Hong Kong’s legal aid system is among the most comprehensive and well-regarded in the world. Over the past 50 years, it has assisted more than 420 000 people in their pursuit of justice, ensuring that no one is denied access to justice because of a lack of means. In response to changing needs, the scope of services has been expanded and the financial eligibility limit for legal aid raised over the years, I am pleased to add. Not surprisingly, the satisfaction rate for legal aid services in Hong Kong has remained consistently high.

In celebration of its 50th Anniversary, the Department has organised a roving exhibition on the history and development of legal aid in Hong Kong, including prominent court decisions and how they have influenced government policies and the community at large. In addition, a six-part TV documentary will feature legal aid cases that will showcase the development of law in Hong Kong.

The Department, of course, works closely with the Judiciary and Legal Aid Services Council, as well as a host of professional bodies and other stakeholders, in ensuring that the rule of law remains fundamental to Hong Kong.

Once again, my congratulations to the Legal Aid Department on reaching this significant milestone. I am confident that the Department and its talented professionals will continue to serve Hong Kong with pride, dedication and honour over the next 50 years.

Fifty years ago, the Legal Aid Department began providing legal aid services in Hong Kong. This exemplified two characteristics of Hong Kong at that time which continue through to today: a relatively affluent society that could afford to provide essential social services and the recognition that access to justice was an essential component of the system of justice here. One of the primary functions of the Basic Law was the continuation of those institutions that had served Hong Kong well and which would help ensure the success of Hong Kong in the future. One such institution was the continuation of the system of law. Among the numerous provisions in the Basic Law relating to this aspect was Article 35 which specifically refers to "access to the courts". This term is usually now referred to as access to justice and in Article 35, it is mentioned alongside confidential legal advice, the existence of lawyers providing timely protection of rights, representation in the courts and also the right to institute legal proceedings against the acts of the executive authorities. All this is synonymous with the Legal Aid Department and the many functions it fulfils. It is one of the clearest manifestations of the attainment of the requirements of Article 35. The effectiveness of any system of law is measured by the quality of justice that is delivered. With a proper system of legal aid in place, a society becomes much richer for it and one that is significantly more just.

I congratulate the Legal Aid Department in reaching this important milestone and expect it to go from strength to strength in the many years to come.

I congratulate the Legal Aid Department in reaching this important milestone and expect it to go from strength to strength in the many years to come.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government attaches great importance to upholding the rule of law in Hong Kong. Legal aid is an integral part of the legal system in Hong Kong that seeks to ensure that those in need of legal assistance will not be denied access to justice owing to lack of means.

The legal aid system in Hong Kong has been ranked as one of the most comprehensive, well-established and adequately funded systems in the world. The Legal Aid Department has all along been playing a vital role in upholding the rule of law and justice in Hong Kong. Since its establishment in 1970, the Department has been committed to providing reliable and quality legal aid services to persons with reasonable grounds for pursuing or defending legal action, with a view to ensuring that they would not be deprived of justice because of financial constraints.

Over the past 50 years, the Department has been moving with the times and continuously expanding its scope of services. These include extending the coverage of civil and criminal legal aid, as well as launching the Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme and the Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme. An annual average of over 8 000 people benefit from the legal aid services. Among the criminal court cases in Hong Kong, over 80 percent of defendants are granted with legal aid.

Looking ahead, I am confident that the Department will continue to work closely with all quarters of society to maintain an efficient and effective legal aid system in Hong Kong.

On this joyous occasion of the Department’s Golden Jubilee, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all members of its staff for their relentless effort in serving Hong Kong people over the years. I also wish the Department continuous success in serving Hong Kong in the years ahead.

I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the Legal Aid Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.

Since its establishment in 1970, the Legal Aid Department has assumed an important role in providing access to justice for people of limited means. It has been making unfaltering efforts in enhancing its services to meet the evolving needs of the community. Apart from expanding the coverage of legal aid services, it is encouraging to see that the department has also developed various electronic systems to promote legal aid services, facilitate intended legal aid applicants in submitting pre-application information, and to speed up the processing of legal aid applications. That growth would not have been possible without the dedicated service by colleagues of the department.

I sincerely wish the Legal Aid Department every success in the next 50 years and beyond. The Council will certainly continue to work hand in hand with the department in ensuring the accessibility of legal aid services to the public to contribute towards upholding and enhancing the rule of law in Hong Kong.