法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 P.95 Love Prevails In the course of the claim, the Department and assigned lawyer had rendered appropriate and timely assistance to Leung which helped alleviate some of the financial burden of her family. “I think as an organisation, the Department is highly efficient. From application to approval, as long as all the documents are there and all the information is correct, you can get a lawyer assigned to your case very quickly,” she praises. “It’s a government department that works at an amazing level of efficiency. At the same time, they genuinely want to help those who desperately need legal assistance but struggle to afford it.” Love and care from family and friends is all the more precious in times of crisis. Her parents and sister have been tending to her every need, while relatives and friends are always ready to lend a helping hand. “They know that we are in a difficult situation, and although they cannot always be there to help out every day, they will still try their best to support us financially. Some of them gave us red packets exceeding $10,000, for example. Friends often visited us and offered all kinds of help.” This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Department. As someone who has been assisted, Leung wishes to see the Department help more people fight for what they deserve, legally and financially, in the coming years. “I hope that the Department will continue to help those in need with all their heart, no matter what year it is,” she says. 患難見真情 在追討的過程中,法援署和外委律師在法律上為Catherine 提供了適切的支援,紓緩了她們一家的經濟壓力。「我認為 法援署很有效率,由申請到審批,只要文件齊全、資料真確, 個案很快就獲安排外委律師處理。」她對法援署的工作深表 肯定:「我覺得他們是效率奇高的政府部門,同時他們亦真 心希望幫助經濟有困難,但極需要法律協助的人。」 患難見真情,Catherine在危難中真切體會到親友的關心和 愛護。父母和妹妹對她的照料固然是無微不至;親人對她們 一家雪中送炭,亦同樣難能可貴。「他們知道我們遇上困難, 雖不能天天幫忙,但亦會盡全力提供經濟上的支援,例如送 上過萬元的利是,朋友們亦常常到訪家中,提供不同形式的 幫助。」 今年是法援署成立50周年,曾受惠於法律援助的她盼望,法 援署在往後的日子可幫助更多有需要的人,協助他們爭取法 律和經濟上應得的權益。「希望無論過了多少年,法援署都 繼續盡心竭力幫助有需要的人。」 Catherine的姨甥和姨甥女為她帶來不少歡樂。 Catherine’s niece and nephew always bring her joy. 觀看訪問精華片段,請掃描此 二維碼。 Please scan the QR code for the interview highlight.