法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 P.93 A Bolt from the Blue The tragic accident took place in September 2004. Leung was working at one of her company’s warehouses in Mainland China, where employees used golf carts to get around in the vast workplace. She was driving the cart down a slope when the brake suddenly failed. The cart then got out of control and sped downhill. As she turned her steering wheel trying to regain control, the cart fell to the ground two to three floors below, taking her down with it. “The local hospital told me that my third and fourth cervical vertebrae were damaged and virtually beyond repair,” she recalls. “At the time, all I felt was pain. I was in a semi-coma state throughout.” Her family decided to transfer her back to a hospital in Hong Kong. When she woke up, she was already in the ICU. According to the doctors, Leung’s quadriplegia was caused by the neurovascular injuries sustained on her cervical spine. The only silver-lining was that she was able to breathe on her own and eat. At the end of 2006, she was finally discharged from the hospital. 突如其來的意外 意外發生於2004年9月,Catherine當時身處公司在中國內地 的貨倉,貨倉面積十分廣闊,工人通常要使用電動高爾夫球 車代步。事發一刻,車子正沿斜坡往下駛,但煞車掣突然失 靈,車子失控向下衝,Catherine扭動方向盤嘗試控制車子, 卻不幸連人帶車衝落2至3層樓下的地面。 「當地醫院指我的頸椎第3、4節受損,基本上無法醫治。」 她憶述:「當時只感到痛楚,整個過程都處於半昏迷狀態。」 家人遂決定將她送回香港的醫院,醒來後,她已身處醫院的 深切治療部。醫生指她的頸椎神經血管受損,導致頸椎以下 身體癱瘓。幸好她後來不再需要呼吸機,並開始可以進食。 2006年年底,她終於出院。 獲推選為「抗炎前線2013」的「抗炎鬥士」。 Recognised as The Brave Fighter of Pneumonia in 2013.