法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法治基石、彰顯公義 Legal Aid for the Rule of Law and Justice P.92 2004年,梁潔(Catherine)在工作期間遇上嚴重意外,導致頸椎以下身體癱瘓, 失去工作能力,而她的家人更要面對沉重的經濟負擔。幸好身邊的親友積極伸出 援手,她同時亦聯絡了法律援助署,在署方和律師的幫助下獲得賠償,協助她和 家人渡過困境。 In 2004, Catherine Leung suffered a serious accident at work that left her a quadriplegic. As she lost the ability to work, a vast financial strain was put on her family. Thankfully, she received much-needed assistance and support from relatives and friends. She also approached the Legal Aid Department. With the help of the Department and her lawyer, Leung was able to obtain her compensation, which helped her family get through the difficult time. 梁潔 Catherine Leung 法援受助人 Legally Aided Person 「他們真心希望幫助經濟有困難,但極需要法律協 助的人。」 “They genuinely want to help those who desperately need legal assistance but struggle to afford it.” 意外無情 見證人間有情 In Times of Trouble, Love Prevails