法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 P.91 雖然事隔多年,周小姐仍與社工和處理 該案的律師保持聯絡,他們亦看著她和 家人的成長。 Over the past two decades, Ms Chow has maintained great relationship with the social worker and the lawyer who have also witnessed the growth of Ms Chow and her family. Endless Gratitude Today, Chow has come a long way since her high school days and the passing of her father, but she is still grateful to those who had helped her family at a time when she was in need. Apart from the assigned lawyer, other lawyers in his law firm also lent a helping hand and showed compassion and understanding to her—something that Chow finds incredibly touching. Chow says that over the past two decades, she has maintained great relationship with the social worker and lawyer who handled their case. “We have always kept in touch, and they have witnessed the growth of myself and my family.” Of course, the Department also played an equally instrumental part in Chow’s case. As a legally aided person, Chow hopes to see the Department continue to do its best and help families like hers pursue their rights and benefits. 多年來感激無盡 在意外發生的時候,周小姐只是就讀中五的學生,然而事隔 多年,她對社工和律師仍然心存感激。除外委律師本人外, 律師行的其他律師亦給予了協助,並展現出無比的同情和理 解,這令周小姐十分感動。 二十多年過去,周小姐至今仍然與社工和處理該案的律師保 持很好的關係:「我們一直都保持聯絡,他們亦看著我和家 人的成長。」 當然,除了社工和律師的幫助外,法援署的角色亦同樣 重要。作為曾獲法援署協助的人,周小姐希望署方可繼續竭 盡所能,用心幫助像周家般有需要的家庭,為每宗個案爭取 應有的權益。 觀看訪問精華片段,請掃描此 二維碼。 Please scan the QR code for the interview highlight.