法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 P.89 Getting in Touch with the Department Chow’s father worked in the barge industry. One day in 1994, Chow—then a Form 5 student— just returned home from school when her mother received a call informing the family that her father had been severely injured in an accident and was receiving emergency treatment at hospital. Unfortunately, he had already passed away by the time Chow and her mother arrived. “It was the 1990s, when communication was not as easy and instant as it is today. We actually did not know where father was when the accident took place,” Chow recalls. “Even till this day, we can only sort out how did the accident happen with piecemeal information that we gathered over time.” Soon after the death of her father, Chow was introduced to a Ms Fung, a social worker of an industrial rights organisation. “Ms Fung has helped us a lot,” Chow says. “She walked us through the steps of handling the aftermath of the accident, and advised us to apply for legal aid.” 經社工接觸法援署 周小姐的父親從事躉船行業。1994年,當時就讀中五的周小 姐放學回家後,母親接到電話,指父親在船上遇上意外受了 重傷,正在醫院接受搶救。不幸地,當她與母親趕至醫院時, 父親已傷重不治。 「當時是上世紀九十年代,通訊仍不似現在般便捷。其實出 事的時候,我們都不知道父親身在何方。」周小姐惋惜指: 「即使時至今日,我們亦只能靠零碎資料組織意外的經過。」 在意外發生後不久,周小姐經親友的介紹認識了來自工業 權益機構的社工馮姑娘。「馮姑娘幫了我們很大的忙。」 周小姐憶述:「她告訴我們在意外後應如何處理,並建議 我們申請法援。」 周小姐的父親從事躉船行業。 Ms Chow’s father worked in the barge industry.