法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法治基石、彰顯公義 Legal Aid for the Rule of Law and Justice P.88 一個家庭失去重要經濟支柱的時候,不但須經歷喪親之痛,更要面對突如其來的 經濟壓力。周小姐對此感受至深,她的爸爸於二十多年前不幸因工業意外突然離 世,她當時只是一名青少年。她憶述:「悲傷與徬徨之際幸得社工、法律援助署 和律師的盡心幫助,緩解了我們的部分經濟困難。我至今仍不勝感激。」 When a family loses its bread-winner, surviving members not only suffer the loss of a loved one, but are also faced with the financial pressure that comes with the death. May Chow knows that better than others: More than 20 years ago, when she was still a teenager, she lost her father in an industrial accident — a shocking tragedy that left her family devastated and lost. “With full support from a social worker, the Legal Aid Department and the lawyer, we had alleviated some of the financial stress following a shocking tragedy, and I am still filled with an immense sense of gratitude.” Chow recalls. 周小姐 May Chow 法援受助人 Legally Aided Person 「悲傷與徬徨之際幸得社工、法律援助署和律師的盡 心幫助,緩解了我們的部分經濟困難。我至今仍不勝 感激。」 “With full support from a social worker, the Legal Aid Department and the lawyer, we had alleviated some of the financial stress following a shocking tragedy, and I am still filled with an immense sense of gratitude.” 同心協力 面對難關 All Hands on Deck in the Face of Adversity