法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 P.87 Angel 對外委律師和法援署專業竭誠的服務 非常滿意。 Angel is very impressed by the professionalism and commitment of her lawyer and the Department. Tremendous Gratitude Looking back to her legal journey, Angel is very impressed by the professionalism and commitment of her lawyer and the entire Department. “I received tremendous support and help from the Department and the lawyer assigned to my case. All the Department’s staff I got in contact with were so nice and dedicated,” Angel says, adding that to this day, she is extremely grateful towards the Department. “When my husband died, I felt really helpless,” Angel admits. “But thankfully I was put in touch with the Department through a social worker. Everyone there was incredibly kind and helpful with my case in claiming compensation. I am grateful to the Department and my lawyer.” She hopes in the future, the Department continues to offer quality service to those in need so that more people like herself will have a chance to seek justice that they deserve. 無言感激 幸得法援署和外委律師的協助,Angel順利追討賠償,Angel 亦很滿意法援署上下和外委律師專業竭誠的服務。「法援署 和外委律師幫了我很大忙,他們處理案件亦非常用心,每位 我曾接觸的法援署職員都很友善和敬業樂業。」她至今仍心 存感激。 「在我先生過身時,我真的覺得很無助。」幸得社工轉介到 法援署的Angel坦言:「法援署的每位同事都非常熱心助人, 為我安排律師打官司、追討賠償。無盡感激法援署和外委律 師的協助。」她希望在未來的日子裏,法援署能繼續為有需 要的人提供優質的服務,讓更多像她一樣的人有機會尋求應 得的公義。 觀看訪問精華片段,請掃描此 二維碼。 Please scan the QR code for the interview highlight.