法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法治基石、彰顯公義 Legal Aid for the Rule of Law and Justice P.86 Angel 選擇了一位在法律援助律師名冊內 的律師,協助追討意外的賠償。 Angel selected a lawyer who was on the Legal Aid Panel of the Department as her legal representative. Compensation Recovery After the approval of her application, Angel selected a lawyer who was on the Legal Aid Panel as her legal representative. Over the next two years, the assigned lawyer for Angel gathered documents and information that he needed for the case from the Department and his client, and began negotiations with the insurance company. “At first, the insurer was rather reluctant to handle our claim. But my lawyer kept following up with them and pressurizing them, and his persistence eventually got them to sit down with us to discuss details of compensation,” Angel says. With tireless support from the Department and the assigned lawyer, Angel finally recovered the compensation she was entitled to, three years after her husband’s fatal accident. 外委律師積極追討 申請成功後,Angel選擇了一位在法律援助律師名冊內的律 師,協助追討意外的賠償。 在其後的一至兩年,Angel的外委律師一方面從法援署收集案 件所需資料,同時Angel亦向律師遞交了一些文件。律師集齊 了所有資料後,便開始向保險公司交涉,Angel補充指:「起 初保險公司未有太積極處理我們的申請,但由於律師之後不 停跟進,保險公司才願意商討賠償的細節。」 由意外發生起計,經過約3年的時間,Angel終於在法援署和 外委律師竭力幫助下,成功追討合理賠償。