法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 P.85 Angel 的丈夫從事建造業的工作。 Angel’s husband worked in the construction industry. Assistance from All Fronts In May 2015, Angel’s husband Mr. Lee, who worked in the construction industry, was hit by an out-of-control vehicle while working on the roadside. Angel was immediately informed by relatives about the accident and rushed to the hospital with her daughter. In the hospital, Angel was given the devastating news of her husband’s death by a traffic police officer. She tried to seek assistance from a social worker. “So I called her up to see if she could help in any way,” Angel recalls, “and she did help me with a lot of things.” This social worker then connected her with the Labour Department and the Legal Aid Department, and explained to her how to recover compensation. In the Legal Aid Department, Angel’s case was followed up by Ms Lui, a law clerk, who walked her through the document preparation process for her legal aid application. For civil cases, depending on the financial circumstances of the applicant, they may qualify for legal aid either under the Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme, or the Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme. The latter provides legal assistance to the "sandwich class" whose financial resources exceed the limit allowed under the Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme, but below a certain amount. “So I applied for the Supplementary scheme, which was much better than trying to hire a lawyer in private practice,” Angel says. 各界配合 全力提供協助 Angel的丈夫李先生從事建造業的工作。2015年5月初,李先 生在馬路旁工作期間,被失控的車輛撞到。意外後不久, Angel收到親戚的電話,指丈夫正於醫院接受搶救,她和女兒 隨即趕赴醫院。 一位駐守醫院的交通警員向Angel傳來了她丈夫去世的噩耗, 她嘗試尋求社工的協助。「之後我致電社工,看看她能否提 供協助。」她憶述:「她真的幫了我很多。」社工其後帶她 到勞工處和法援署,並向她解釋追討賠償的辦法。 在法援署,負責跟進Angel個案的律政書記呂小姐向她講解 申請法援的程序及所需的文件。就民事案件而言,申請人按 照其財務狀況,可申請普通法律援助計劃(普通計劃)或法律 援助輔助計劃(輔助計劃),輔助計劃旨在為財務資源超出普 通計劃規定的限額,但又不超過某一金額的「夾心階層」人 士提供援助。「我申請了輔助計劃,這比聘請私人執業律師 好得多。」