法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.84 法治基石、彰顯公義 Legal Aid for the Rule of Law and Justice 很多時候,意外總是毫無先兆地發生。雖然無人能夠扭轉悲劇,但如在意外發生 後,死傷者家人能得到及時和適切的幫助,將可以大大減輕他們的壓力。陳紅春 女士(Angel)的丈夫數年前在工作期間因意外不幸離世,在工業權益機構的協 助之下,Angel聯絡法律援助署(法援署),並獲署方安排外委律師協助,順利 爭取應有賠償。 In life, tragic accidents often happen when least expected. While nothing can bring back their terrible losses, being able to receive timely and proper assistance will greatly alleviate the pressure felt by the family members of the victims. A few years ago, Angel Chan lost her husband in a work accident. Fortunately, through an industrial rights organisation, she approached the Legal Aid Department (the Department) and successfully claimed her compensation with help from the assigned lawyer. 陳紅春 Angel Chan 法援受助人 Legally Aided Person 「法援署和外委律師幫了我很大忙,他們處理案件亦 非常用心,每位職員都很友善和敬業樂業。」 “I received tremendous support and help from the Legal Aid Department and the lawyer assigned to my case. Everyone was so nice and dedicated.” 專業服務 爭取社會公義 Fighting for Justice with Professional Services