法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

公務員爭取同性伴侶福利權 Civil servant fighting for right to same-sex spousal benefits 上訴人:梁鎮罡 Appellant: Leung Chun Kwong 答辯人:公務員事務局局長(福利決定)|稅務局局長(稅務決定) Respondents: Secretary for the Civil Service (Benefits Decision) | Commissioner of Inland Revenue (Tax Decision) 終審法院最終判決日期:2019年6月6日 Date of Court of Final Appeal Judgment: 6 June 2019 類別:民事-人權 Category: Civil – Human Rights 個案重溫 Case Study Court of First Instance and Court of Appeal Judgments . Benefits Decision unlawfully discriminated against the Appellant based on his sexual orientation. . Tax Decision was correct on the proper construction of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112). . The Court of First Instance held in favour of the Appellant on Benefits Decision but against the Appellant on Tax Decision. . The Respondent appealed against the Benefits Decision and the Appellant cross-appealed against the Tax Decision. The Court of Appeal allowed the Respondent’s appeal and dismissed the Appellant’s cross appeal. 原訟法庭及上訴法庭的判決 . 福利決定是基於上訴人的性傾向而作出,這對上訴 人構成不合法的歧視。 . 稅務決定是基於《稅務條例》(第112章)的恰當解 釋而作出,屬正確無誤。 . 原訟法庭裁定上訴人就福利決定提出的司法覆核申請 得直,但就稅務決定提出的司法覆核申請則被駁回。 . 答辯人就福利決定提出上訴,而上訴人則就稅務決定提 出交相上訴,上訴庭裁定答辯人上訴得直,同時駁回上 訴人的交相上訴。 Respondents’Argument 答辯人理據 . 根據《稅務條例》,婚姻指一男一女締結的異性婚 姻,因此上訴人的婚姻並無效力。 Marriage refers to a heterosexual marriage between a man and a woman in the context of the Inland Revenue Ordinance; therefore the Appellant’s marriage was invalid. . Appellant’s Argument 上訴人理據 . 公務員事務局局長和稅務局局長基於上訴人的性傾 向作出的福利決定及稅務決定,對上訴人構成不合 法的歧視。 Benefits and Tax Decisions unlawfully discriminated against him on the ground of his sexual orientation. . 相關爭議 . 上訴人為入境事務主任,於2014年與同性伴侶於新 西蘭結婚,並獲得當地的結婚證書。 . 上訴人請求更新婚姻狀況,希望其同性配偶也可取 得醫療及牙科福利-福利決定。 . 上訴人請求與同性配偶合併評稅-稅務決定。 . 答辯人認為上訴人的婚姻在香港法制下並無效力。 Dispute The Appellant, an immigration officer, and his same sex partner married in New Zealand and obtained a New Zealand marriage certificate in 2014. The Appellant sought to update marital status to extend his medical and dental benefits to spouse – Benefits Decision. TheAppellant sought to include spouse for joint tax assessment – Tax Decision. The Respondents concluded that the Appellant’s marriage was invalid under The Hong Kong law. 終審法院民事上訴 2018 年第 8 號 FACV No. 8 of 2018 [ 2019 ] HKCFA 19 P.82 法治基石、彰顯公義 Legal Aid for the Rule of Law and Justice