法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.8 賀詞 Messages 法律援助服務局主席獻辭 今年是香港特別行政區法律援助署(法援署)成立五十周年,我謹致以衷心祝賀。 自一九七零年成立以來,法援署一直擔當著重要的角色,致力為缺乏經濟能力的人士提供 法援服務,伸張正義。為了配合不斷轉變的社會需要,法援署除了積極擴大法援服務的涵 蓋範圍外,亦努力推出不同形式的電子系統推廣法援服務,協助有意申請法援的人士提交 預辦申請所需資料,及更快捷地處理法援申請,成績令人鼓舞。這些進步全賴法援署內每 位同事竭誠盡心的服務。 我誠摯祝願法援署在未來五十年或以後續創佳績。本局定必繼續與法援署攜手合作,竭盡 所能確保市民可尋求公義,以助維護和鞏固香港的法治精神。 Message from the Chairman of Legal Aid Services Council I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the Legal Aid Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. Since its establishment in 1970, the Legal Aid Department has assumed an important role in providing access to justice for people of limited means. It has been making unfaltering efforts in enhancing its services to meet the evolving needs of the community. Apart from expanding the coverage of legal aid services, it is encouraging to see that the department has also developed various electronic systems to promote legal aid services, facilitate intended legal aid applicants in submitting pre-application information, and to speed up the processing of legal aid applications. That growth would not have been possible without the dedicated service by colleagues of the department. I sincerely wish the Legal Aid Department every success in the next 50 years and beyond. The Council will certainly continue to work hand in hand with the department in ensuring the accessibility of legal aid services to the public to contribute towards upholding and enhancing the rule of law in Hong Kong. 梁永祥博士 Dr William Leung 法律援助服務局主席 Chairman of Legal Aid Services Council