法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

Judgment of Court of Final Appeal . When the language of Article 24(2)(1) is considered in the light of its context and purpose, its clear meaning is that Chinese citizens born in Hong Kong before or after 1 July 1997 have the status of permanent residents. . The Director’s appeal was dismissed. 終審法院的判決 . 終審法院參照了第二十四條第(二)款第(一)項的 背景及目的來詮釋文本字句後,認為其含義清晰,就 是在1997年7月1日之前或之後在香港出生的中國公民 享有永久性居民的身分。 . 終審法院駁回入境事務處處長的上訴。 Grounds of Appeal . Article 24(2)(1) of the Basic Law is an "excluded provision" of HKSAR’s autonomy. . The Court of Final Appeal should interpret Article 24(2)(1) to mean by necessary implication that permanent residents with right of abode do not include those Chinese citizens who are born to illegal immigrants, overstayers or people residing temporarily in Hong Kong. 上訴理據 . 《基本法》第二十四條第(二)款第(一)項屬香 港特區自治「範圍之外的條款」。 . 終審法院應解釋第二十四條第(二)款第(一)項 的含義,必然是享有居留權的永久性居民不包括在 香港的非法入境、逾期居留或在香港臨時居留的人 所生的中國公民。 Grounds to Oppose the Appeal . Article 24(2)(1) of the Basic Law prescribes one category of permanent residents who are entitled to the right of abode. Therefore it is a provision within the HKSAR's autonomy. . Article 24(2)(1) means what it says, that is, Chinese citizens born in Hong Kong before or after 1 July 1997 have the status of permanent residents. 答辯理據 . 《基本法》第二十四條第(二)款第(一)項訂明了 享有居留權的永久性居民的其中一個類別。因此,這 項條款屬關於香港特區自治範圍內的條款。 . 第二十四條第(二)款第(一)項的含義一如該條 款所述,就是指在1997年7月1日之前或之後在香港 出生的中國公民享有永久性居民的身分。 Going Forward . After the judgment, children born locally but whose parents are non-permanent residents of Hong Kong ("doubly non-permanent resident children") were entitled to the right of abode in Hong Kong and benefits of Hong Kong social welfare. . Large influx of Mainland pregnant women gave birth in Hong Kong, creating enormous pressure on the local obstetric services. . Between 2001 and 2011, over 170,000 new births in Hong Kong were "doubly non-permanent resident children". . Government promulgated a "zero quota" policy in 2012 that all public hospitals would not accept any bookings by non-local pregnant women for delivery of children in Hong Kong from 1 January 2013 onwards. Private hospitals have also unanimously agreed to stop accepting delivery bookings in 2013 from Mainland pregnant women whose husbands are not Hong Kong permanent residents. 延伸事項 . 判決後,父母皆非香港永久性居民而在香港出生的 嬰兒(「雙非」嬰兒),可擁有香港的居留權,並 可享有香港的社會福利。 . 此後,內地孕婦來港產子的數目上升,對本地產科 服務造成沉重壓力。 . 2001年至2011年間,在港出生的「雙非」嬰兒人數 超過17萬人。 . 2012年,政府公布「零配額」政策,所有公立醫院 均不會接受非本地孕婦在2013年1月1日或以後的分 娩預約,而私家醫院亦一致同意不會接受內地「雙 非」孕婦在2013年的分娩預約。 P.71 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊