法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

雙非兒童居港權爭議 Dispute on doubly non-permanent resident children's right of abode 上訴人:入境事務處處長(處長) Appellant : The Director of Immigration (The Director) 答辯人:莊豐源 Respondent: Chong Fung Yuen 終審法院最終判決日期:2001年7月20日 Date of Court of Final Appeal Judgment: 20 July 2001 類別:民事 – 人權 Category: Civil – Human Rights 個案重溫 Case Study Court of First Instance and Court of Appeal Judgments . The Judge held that the requirement relating to the parent in para. 2(a) is inconsistent with Article 24(2)(1) of the Basic Law. . He made a declaration that Chong Fung Yuen is a permanent resident of and has the right of abode in the HKSAR. . The Court of Appeal upheld the orders made by the Judge and dismissed the Director's appeal. . The Director appealed to the Court of Final Appeal. 原訟法庭及上訴法庭的判決 . 原審法官裁定第2(a)段有關父母的規定與《基本法》 第二十四條第(二)款第(一)項相抵觸。 . 宣告莊豐源為香港特區的永久性居民,享有香港特 區居留權。 . 上訴法庭維持原審法官的命令,駁回處長的上訴。 . 處長向終審法院提出上訴。 Chong’s Argument 莊豐源一方的理據 . 莊聲稱,根據《基本法》第二十四條第(二)款第 (一)項,他是香港特區永久性居民,享有居留權。 Chong claimed to be a permanent resident of the HKSAR, and to have the right of abode pursuant to Article 24(2)(1) of the Basic Law. . The Director of Immigration’s Arguments 入境事務處處長的理據 . 《入境條例》附表1第2(a)段規定在香港出生的中 國公民若要成為永久性居民,在其出生時或其後任 何時間,其父母任何一方必須已在香港定居或已享 有香港居留權。 . 按《基本法》第二十四條第(二)款第(一)項的正 確解釋,其含義必然是該條款並不賦予非法入境、逾 期居留或在香港臨時居留的人在香港所生的中國公民 居留權。 Para. 2(a) of Schedule 1 to the Immigration Ordinance provides that for a Chinese citizen born in Hong Kong to be a permanent resident, one of his parents must have settled or had the right of abode in Hong Kong at the time of his birth or at any later time. According to Article 24(2)(1) of the Basic Law, on its true interpretation and by necessary implication no right of abode is conferred on Chinese citizens who are born in Hong Kong to illegal immigrants, overstayers or people temporarily residing in Hong Kong. . . 相關爭議 . 莊豐源的父母並非香港永久性居民或其他類別的香 港居民。 . 在他出生時,他的父母持內地取得的雙程證以訪客 身分在香港合法逗留。 Dispute Chong Fung Yuen's parents were not permanent or otherwise residents of Hong Kong. At the time of his birth, his parents were in Hong Kong lawfully as visitors on the strength of two-way permits from the Mainland. 終審法院民事上訴2000年26號 FACV No. 26 of 2000 P.70 法治基石、彰顯公義 Legal Aid for the Rule of Law and Justice