法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.69 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 Responses of Different Parties 各界反應 . 政府各部門迅速為死者家屬、傷者及受影響人士 提供支援和協助。 . 醫護人員全力照顧所有被送到醫院的傷者。 . 民政事務總署負責協調為死傷者家屬提供的支援 服務。 . 社會福利署則為有需要幫助的家庭和個人提供輔導 及支援服務,並跟進他們在各方面的福利需要, 同時亦為個別有緊急經濟需要的家庭向慈善團體 申請緊急經濟援助。 . 時任行政長官梁振英宣布為期3日的全港哀悼日。 . 多個慈善機構及基金第一時間向死傷者家屬提供 緊急援助金以解燃眉之急。 The Role of Legal Aid Department . After the accident, some family members of the casualties lodged civil claims with the aid of the Legal Aid Department. . Between 2012 and 2014, the Legal Aid Department granted legal aid to 22 applicants, 18 under the Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme and 4 under the Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme. . Out of the 22 cases, 21 cases were settled with damages recovered. . The total amount of damages recovered by the 21 legally aided persons through the assistance of the Legal Aid Department was over HK$8 million. 法律援助署的角色 . 事故發生後,部分死傷者家屬透過法律援助署的 協助,提出民事索償。 . 2012至2014年,法律援助署共向22宗申請批出法 援,當中18宗屬普通法律援助計劃,4宗屬法律援助 輔助計劃。 . 在22個個案當中,有21宗獲得賠償。 . 21位受助人透過法律援助署協助,共獲得超過800萬 港元賠償。 Going Forward . The Chief Executive in Council, under section 2 of the Commissions of Inquiry Ordinance (Cap. 86), appointed the Commission of Inquiry into the Collision of Vessels near Lamma Island on 1 October 2012. . Terms of reference of the Commission include: ascertain the causes of the incident and make appropriate findings thereof; consider and evaluate the general conditions of maritime safety concerning passenger vessels in Hong Kong and the adequacy or otherwise of the present system of control; and make recommendations on measures required for the prevention of the recurrence of similar incidents in future. . The Commission submitted its report to the Chief Executive in April 2013; the full report was released in September 2015. . The Transport and Housing Bureau set up the Steering Committee on Systemic Reform of the Marine Department in May 2013 to steer and supervise the Marine Department in undertaking a comprehensive systemic review and reform. . ATask Force on Reform, led by the Deputy Director, was also formed in the Marine Department to support the work of the Steering Committee and to co-ordinate implementation of the various improvement measures. 延伸事項 . 行政長官會同行政會議根據《調查委員會條例》 (第86章)第2條,委任2012年10月1日南丫島附 近撞船事故調查委員會,就導致意外的事實和情 況進行調查。 . 委員會的職權範圍包括:確定事故的起因並作出適 當的裁斷;考慮及評核香港有關載客船隻的一般 海事安全情況及現時監管制度是否充足;以及就 所需措施提出建議,以防日後再發生相類事故。 . 調查委員會於2013年4月向行政長官提交報告,並 於2015年9月全面公開報告。 . 2013年5月,運輸及房屋局成立海事處制度改革督 導委員會,以指示和督導海事處處長進行全面的 制度檢討和改革。 . 海事處亦成立由副處長領導的改革執行小組, 以支援督導委員會的工作,並協調各項改善措施 的執行。 . Various government departments provided immediate support and assistance to the families of the deceased as well as the injured and affected persons. . Medical staff exerted their utmost effort in taking care of all the injured persons at hospitals. . The Home Affairs Department coordinated support services for the families of the deceased and the injured. . The Social Welfare Department provided counselling and support services for individual and families in need and followed up on their welfare needs and assisted individual families with pressing financial needs in applying to charitable bodies for emergency financial assistance. . Three days of mourning were declared by the then Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying. . Many charitable organisations and trust funds promptly provided emergency financial assistance to address the victims’ urgent needs.