法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.68 法治基石、彰顯公義 Legal Aid for the Rule of Law and Justice 協助南丫島撞船事故 死傷者家屬追討賠償 Assisting family members of the casualties in Lamma Island ferry collision to recover damages 申請人:南丫島撞船事故死傷者家屬 Applicant: Family members of the casualties in Lamma Island ferry collision 日期:2012年10月1日 Date of accident: 1 October 2012 類別:人身傷害 Category: Personal injuries 個案重溫 Case Study 事件背景 . 2012年10月1日,南丫4號及海泰號兩艘客運渡輪 於南丫島西北面的西博寮海峽相撞。 . 海泰號由港九小輪控股有限公司營運。 . 南丫4號由香港電燈有限公司擁有,當日載有121 名乘客及3名船員,由南丫島前往中環。 . 船上的乘客當日正參與公司舉辦的一日遊,前往 中環觀賞國慶日煙花匯演。 . 意外共造成39人死亡,92人受傷。 Background . On 1 October 2012, two passenger ferries, Sea Smooth and Lamma IV, collided at West Lamma Channel. . Sea Smooth was operated by Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry Holdings Limited. . Lamma IV, owned by Hongkong Electric Company, with 121 passengers and three crew members on board, was travelling from Lamma Island to Central. . Passengers were on a one-day tour organised by the company, and were heading to Central for the fireworks display commemorating the National Day. . A total of 39 people were killed in the accident, while 92 people were injured. 照片由星島日報提供 Photo provided by Sing Tao Daily