法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

賀詞 Messages 終審法院首席法官獻辭 五十年前,法律援助署開始在香港提供法律援助服務。這展現了香港在昔日以至現 今的兩個特色:社會相對繁榮富足,能提供必要的社會服務;以及社會認定尋求司法 公義是香港司法制度的主要元素。《基本法》的主要功能之一,是使在香港一直行之 有效且有助確保香港未來成就的體制得以延續。體制的其中一環,是沿用原有的法律 制度。《基本法》有多項與此相關的條文,當中第三十五條特別訂明「向法院提起訴 訟」的權利,也就是現在慣常所指尋求司法公義的權利。第三十五條同時述明香港居 民有權得到秘密法律諮詢、有權獲得律師及時保護自己的權益或在法庭上為其代理, 以及有權對行政部門的行為提起訴訟。凡此種種都體現於法律援助署的角色及其履行 的眾多職能;這是《基本法》第三十五條的規定得以貫徹實現的最佳明證之一。司法 公義的質素是衡量法律制度成效的準則。有健全穩當的法援制度,社會便會因此更趨 繁榮興旺,而且變得更公正公義。 我衷心祝賀法律援助署邁向這重要的里程碑,並期待法律援助署今後繼續成果豐碩, 貢獻殊多。 Message from the Chief Justice Fifty years ago, the Legal Aid Department began providing legal aid services in Hong Kong. This exemplified two characteristics of Hong Kong at that time which continue through to today: a relatively affluent society that could afford to provide essential social services and the recognition that access to justice was an essential component of the system of justice here. One of the primary functions of the Basic Law was the continuation of those institutions that had served Hong Kong well and which would help ensure the success of Hong Kong in the future. One such institution was the continuation of the system of law. Among the numerous provisions in the Basic Law relating to this aspect was Article 35 which specifically refers to "access to the courts". This term is usually now referred to as access to justice and in Article 35, it is mentioned alongside confidential legal advice, the existence of lawyers providing timely protection of rights, representation in the courts and also the right to institute legal proceedings against the acts of the executive authorities. All this is synonymous with the Legal Aid Department and the many functions it fulfils. It is one of the clearest manifestations of the attainment of the requirements of Article 35. The effectiveness of any system of law is measured by the quality of justice that is delivered. With a proper system of legal aid in place, a society becomes much richer for it and one that is significantly more just. I congratulate the Legal Aid Department in reaching this important milestone and expect it to go from strength to strength in the many years to come. P.6 馬道立 Geoffrey Ma 終審法院首席法官 Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal