法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.59 香港的海事歷史可以追溯至殖民地初期, 而且一直以來都是其發展的重要部分。 Hong Kong’s maritime history predates its colonial beginnings, and continues to be an important aspect of the city’s development. Safe Harbour Ting KamYuen began his career at Hong Kong Seamen’s Union in the 1970s. Back then, he assisted seafarers with work injury claims and wage recovery when Hong Kong’s developing economy meant that many seamen were eligible for legal aid. “Injured seamen, for example, typically sought settlement from their employer or insurer,” recalls Ting. “But if no agreement was reached, they then had to resort to legal proceedings. We advised qualified members to apply for legal aid.” Ting’s latter career involved increasingly unpaid wages and employment termination cases; many meant working closely with the Legal Aid Department (LAD). To facilitate claims, his union gathered information about the unpaid wages, and then assisted the claimants with their legal aid applications. Once approved, legal proceedings began. Some cases required an application be made to court prohibiting the vessel from leaving Hong Kong waters—commonly referred to as an “arrest”. “While waiting for the court decision,” Ting notes, “if there was food shortage on board, the chief bailiff of the High Court would help arrange sustenance and sometimes transportation for the seamen to come onshore.” 安全海港 丁錦源於上世紀七十年代加入香港海員工會,最初主要協助 海員辦理工傷索償和追討欠薪。由於當時的香港經濟正處於 發展階段,海員普遍都符合資格獲得法律援助。丁錦源憶 述:「以工傷索償為例,受傷的海員一般會先尋求與資方或 保險公司達成和解。如未能和解,就要循法律途徑解決。這 時,工會一般都會建議合資格的工友申請法律援助。」 及後,丁錦源接觸的欠薪、解僱個案愈來愈多,而且很多時 都須要與法援署合作處理。工會通常會先了解欠薪的具體情 況,備齊資料後安排工友申請法律援助。在申請獲批後,法 律程序隨即展開。在某些情況下需要向法院申請禁止有關船 隻離開香港水域,俗稱「扣船」。丁錦源指:「在等待法庭 判決期間,如船上伙食短缺,高等法院的總執達主任會協助 安排食物,有時亦會提供接駁艇讓船員上岸。」 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊