法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

香港的海事歷史可追溯至殖民地初期,而且一直以來都是本 港發展的重要部分。香港在1841年6月7日宣布成為自由港, 自此航運業持續增長,於是引起大眾關注當時被稱為「咕喱」 (苦力)的船上工人的待遇。除了規管海員的工作條件、福利 和保障的法例與時並進外,海員工會在維護海員的權益,特 別是處理訴訟個案方面,也扮演着非常重要的角色。 P.58 Hong Kong’s maritime history dates back its colonial beginnings, and continues to be an important aspect of the city’s development. The growth in shipping since Hong Kong was declared a free port on 7 June 1841 attracted attention to treatment of labourers working on board, who were known as coolies back in those days. Whilst the laws regulating the conditions, benefits and protection of seafarers improved with times, trade union of seafarers plays a very important part in representing seafarers’ interest, in particular when they are involved in litigations. 「香港的法律援助服務在世界上是首屈一 指的,這方面的成就令人感到自豪。」 “Legal aid services in Hong Kong is one of the best in the world. We should all be proud of it.” 丁錦源 Ting Kam Yuen 國際運輸工人聯盟香港(方便旗船事務)辦事處主任 Office Head, Hong Kong International Transport Workers’ Federation (Flag of Convenience) Campaign Office 香港海員工會前主席 Former Chairman, Hong Kong Seamen’s Union 守護海員權益 Maritime Master 法援服務、關愛惠民 Legal Aid for the People