法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.55 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 法援署於1995年推行了一系列的加強服務措施,包括設立 24小時查詢熱線;為聽障人士而設的傳真服務;向申請人 派發資訊卡;以及安裝電子顯示屏系統,以改善總部及九 龍分署的輪候安排。自2006年起,市民如致電交互式話音 回應系統,並選擇向署方職員查詢,會獲告知正在電話輪 候的位置及大約所需的輪候時間。輪候人數如超出限額, 系統會即時通知來電者稍後再致電查詢,這有助於管理申 請的人流。 2010年,法援署推出「繳費靈」付款服務,受助人及判 定債務人可選擇通過電話付款,無須親身繳款。翌年,法 援署進一步放寬60歲或以上申請人的財務資源的資產豁 免額。法援署亦於同年推出為不同族裔提供免費傳譯的 服務,把服務對象擴大至涵蓋不同種族及操不同語言 的人。 法援署亦不斷改善外判制度,向《法律援助律師名冊》內 的律師發出辦理案件的指引,並更新有關指引,以提醒他 們處理法援案件的要點。此外,法援署亦更新律師及大律 師的工作表現評核制度。由1996年起,每兩年更新一次法 律援助律師名冊內的律師和大律師記錄,作為監察機制之 一,以確保服務質素。 Interactive Voice Response system are advised of their queue position if they choose to speak to department staff so they know approximately how long they have to wait for calls to be answered. If the number of calls exceeds limit of queue position, the system would advise callers to call again later. This can help monitor the flow of applicants. In 2010, the Department launched Phone Payment Service for aided persons and judgment debtors to pay by phone rather than in person. In the following year, financial eligibility limits were relaxed with capital disregard for applicants aged 60 or above. The Department also started to provide free interpretation services for people of different races in the same year, targeting more people regardless of their races and languages. The assignment system of the Department was also enhanced. Guidance Notes to lawyers on the Legal Aid Panel were issued and updated, drawing their attention to important points in handling legal aid cases. The system for evaluating performance of solicitors and barristers was also revised. From 1996 onwards, the records of counsel and solicitors on the Legal Aid Panel have been updated every two years as part of the monitoring system to ensure service quality. In 1995, the Department implemented a series of service enhancement measures, including 24 hour hotline enquiry service, fax service for hearing-impaired persons, information card to all applicants, and electronic display panel system to improve queuing arrangement in Headquarters and Kowloon Branch Office. From 2006, callers to 加強為申請人提供的服務 Enhanced Service for Applicants 為了提升工作效率,法援署於上世紀九十年代末期開始採 用綜合電腦資訊系統。自2008年起,律師可以透過法援署 提供的電子渠道匯報法援案件的進度。法援署亦不斷提升 個案管理及個案會計系統,由2015年開始定期發信提示名 冊律師於3年期限屆滿前更新個人簡歷。系統亦會從香港 銀行公會直接擷取外幣匯率,以進行經濟審查。 除了透過數碼化提升內部管理系統外,法援署亦積極推動 其他數碼化服務,為市民提供更方便快捷的服務。法援署 自1997年開始推出網頁,提供法援署的一般資訊,並宣傳 法律援助計劃。其後,網頁經過不斷的優化和提升。2008 年更設立法律援助電子服務入門網站,使市民和執業律師 To improve operational efficiency, the Department has adopted the integrated computer information system since the late 1990s. From 2008, legal practitioners have been able to submit legal aid case reports online via electronic options provided by the Department. The Department has also been enhancing the Department’s Case Management and Case Accounting System. Starting from 2015, regular reminder letters are sent to panel lawyers to invite update of profiles before the expiry of every three years. The System also captures foreign currency exchange rates directly from Hong Kong Association of Banks to facilitate the conduct of means test. Apart from digitalisation of internal management systems, the Department has also been proactively introducing all forms of digitalised service to the public, providing better accessible and more efficient service. The Department launched its first webpage in 1997 to provide general information on the Department and promote legal aid schemes. The webpage has been continuously optimised and upgraded since then. In 推動數碼化服務 Service Digitalisation