法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.52 共創佳績 成就驕人 Our Achievements Taking Pride in Our Legacy 港擁有世界上最好的法援制度之一,援助 範圍涵蓋一系列廣泛的民事和刑事案件。 法援適用於民事和刑事訴訟,申請人不論居住 地或國籍,只要通過經濟審查及案情審查便可 獲批法援。香港終審法院在最近一份判詞中表 示:「與許多其他司法管轄區相比,香港的法援 制度相對慷慨,多年來確保了大多數涉及重大公 眾利益的案件都由法庭作出裁決。」 ong Kong has one of the best legal aid systems in the world, covering a wide range of both civil and criminal cases. Legal aid is available for civil and criminal proceedings and open to anyone — irrespective of residency or nationality — subject to means and merits tests. The Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong expressed in a recent judgment that “Hong Kong’s relatively generous system of legal aid (compared with many other jurisdictions) has ensured that most cases of public importance have over the years been determined by the courts”. 港的法援制度資源充足,可確保所有具備 合理理據在香港法院提出訴訟或抗辯的 人,不會因缺乏經濟能力而無法尋求公義。法援 服務以需求為主導,故法援開支不設上限。 ong Kong boasts a well resourced legal aid system to ensure that those with reasonable grounds for pursuing or defending legal action in the city’s courts will not be denied access to justice due to lack of means. There is no ceiling for legal aid expenditure, as legal aid services in Hong Kong are demand-driven. 律援助是香港法律制度不可或缺的一環, 在維護法治和協助市民尋求公義方面擔 當重要角色。正如終審法院首席法官馬道立曾 指出:「公眾向法院提出訴訟的權利的實踐,亦 可按香港提供法律援助的狀況來衡量。」 法 香 egal aid forms an integral part of Hong Kong’s legal system and plays an important role in contributing towards upholding the rule of law and enhancing access to justice. The Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal, Mr Geoffrey Ma, once remarked that “access to justice can be measured by reference to the existence of legal aid in Hong Kong.” L H 香 H 法援服務、關愛惠民 Legal Aid for the People