法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

香港特別行政區行政長官獻辭 今年是法律援助署(法援署)成立五十周年,謹此衷心致賀。香港是一個國際化社會和經濟體, 一直以來,法治是我們賴以成功的基石。過去半個世紀,法援署對香港及法治作出了非常重要 的貢獻,角色舉足輕重。 香港推行的法律援助制度涵蓋全面,在國際間備受推崇。過去五十年,法援署為超過42萬人提 供協助,確保香港市民不會因缺乏經濟能力而無法尋求公義。我亦樂見法援署多年來致力擴展 服務範圍,並提高法律援助計劃的財務資格限額,積極回應社會不斷轉變的需要。公眾對香港 法律援助服務的滿意度一直維持在高水平,工作成績無容置疑。 為慶祝成立五十周年,法援署特別舉辦巡迴展覽,回顧法律援助在香港的歷史和發展,內容包 括一些重要的法庭裁決,以及這些裁決如何影響政府政策以至整個社會。此外,一連六集的法 律援助五十周年電視紀錄特輯,透過不同的法律援助個案,闡述香港的法律發展。 法援署亦必定一如以往,與司法機構和法律援助服務局,以及一眾專業團體和其他持份者緊密 合作,確保香港繼續以法治為本。 再次恭賀法援署邁向五十周年的重要里程碑。我深信在未來五十年,法援署及署內的專業人才 定會繼續肩負使命,盡心盡力服務香港。 Message from the Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region I am pleased to congratulate the Legal Aid Department on its Golden Jubilee, a half century of critical contributions to Hong Kong and the rule of law, which has been so central to our longstanding success as an international economy and community. Hong Kong’s legal aid system is among the most comprehensive and well-regarded in the world. Over the past 50 years, it has assisted more than 420 000 people in their pursuit of justice, ensuring that no one is denied access to justice because of a lack of means. In response to changing needs, the scope of services has been expanded and the financial eligibility limit for legal aid raised over the years, I am pleased to add. Not surprisingly, the satisfaction rate for legal aid services in Hong Kong has remained consistently high. In celebration of its 50th Anniversary, the Department has organised a roving exhibition on the history and development of legal aid in Hong Kong, including prominent court decisions and how they have influenced government policies and the community at large. In addition, a six-part TV documentary will feature legal aid cases that will showcase the development of law in Hong Kong. The Department, of course, works closely with the Judiciary and Legal Aid Services Council, as well as a host of professional bodies and other stakeholders, in ensuring that the rule of law remains fundamental to Hong Kong. Once again, my congratulations to the Legal Aid Department on reaching this significant milestone. I am confident that the Department and its talented professionals will continue to serve Hong Kong with pride, dedication and honour over the next 50 years. 林鄭月娥 Mrs Carrie Lam 香港特別行政區行政長官 Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region P.5 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊