法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.49 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 受助人和公眾可使用自動櫃員 機提款卡或信用卡在自動櫃員 機,向法援署繳付款項,或使 用網上銀行服務繳款。新的繳 款方式讓受助人和公眾繳款更 為方便。 Aided persons and the public may make payment to LAD with their ATM cards or credit cards atATMs or through internet banking. The new payment methods afford greater convenience to aided persons and the public. 2015 2018.7.1 撥歸政務司司長辦公室管轄。 The Department was transferred back to the Chief Secretary’s Office. 2018.11.23 普通法援計劃及輔助計劃的財 務資格限額,自2011年以來經 過4次調整後,分別提升至 307,130港元及1,535,650港元。 After four adjustments since 2011, FELs for the OLAS and SLAS increased to HK$307,130 and HK$1,535,650 respectively. 2018 2019.12.10 獲頒2019年公務員優質服務 獎勵計劃「特別嘉許獎—安健 工作間」及「部門精進服務獎 (小部門組別)銅獎」。 The Department was awarded a Special Citation (Workplace Safety and Wellness) and Bronze Prize in Departmental Service Enhancement Award (Small Department) at Civil Service Outstanding Service Award Scheme 2019. 2019 修訂《刑事案件法律援助規 則》第21條及附表的法例, 各項調整包括刑事法援的大 律師費用增加50%;發出指示 律師的費用增加25%;以及在 區域法院擔任訟辯律師的費 用增加40%。上述修訂亦為享 有較高級法院出庭發言權的 訟辯律師新增一個刑事法援 費用類別,以處理高等法院 的案件。 Rule 21 of the Legal Aid in Criminal Cases Rules and the Schedule of the Legal Aid in Criminal Cases Rules were amended. Adjustments included a 50% increase in criminal legal aid fees for counsel, a 25% increase for instructing solicitors and a 40% increase for solicitor advocates in the District Court. A new category of fees for High Court cases was also introduced for solicitor advocates with higher rights of audience. 獲頒「2016年申訴專員嘉許 獎」(大獎)。 TheDepartment received theGrand Award of The Ombudsman’s Awards for 2016. 2016 2020.4.1 輔 助 計 劃 的 涵 蓋 範 圍 再 進一步擴大至涵蓋以下類 別的申索:涉及持牌或註 冊金融中介人從事受規管 活動,包括證券交易(第1 類)、期貨合約交易(第2 類)或提供證券保證金融 資(第8類)的專業疏忽申 索。就涉及欺詐、欺騙或 失實陳述的證券衍生工具、 貨幣期貨或其他期貨合約 交易而提出的金錢申索。 Further expansion of the SLAS to cover: professional negligence claims against financial licensed or registered intermediaries dealing in regulated activities including securities (Type 1), futures contracts (Type 2) or securities margin financing (Type 8); and monetary claims in respect of securities derivatives, currency futures or other futures contracts when fraud, deception or misrepresentation involved. 2020.6.26 普通法援計劃及輔助計劃的 財務資格限額,分別大幅提 升至420,400港元及2,102,000 港元。 就署長第一押記,贍養費豁免 金額由4,800港元提高至9,100 港元,遭遇嚴重困苦個案豁免 額由57,400港元提高至108,850 港元。同時引入機制,每年按 一般物價變動檢討並調整上述 兩項豁免額。 Substantial adjustment of FELs for the OLAS and SLAS to HK$420,400 and HK$2,102,000. Exempted amount of periodical maintenance under Director of Legal Aid’s First Charge adjusted upwards from HK$4,800 to HK$9,100 and the amount of waiver in serious hardship cases fromHK$57,400 to HK$108,850. At the same time, a mechanism taking into account general price movement has been introduced to review and adjust the amounts annually. 2020 推出「繳費靈」付款方式。 New payment method by ‘PPS’ introduced. 提升法律援助財務資格限額,幫助更多市民。 Increased financial eligibility limits for Legal Aid Schemes benefit more people. 法援歲月 Legal Aid over the Years