法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.48 2010年推出更新網站。 Revamped website in 2010. 2011-2012年製作有關法律援助服務的影片。 Videos about legal aid services produced in 2011-2012. 全面更新部門網站,令瀏覽 和使用更為便捷。自網站更 新後,不論點擊率或署方刊物 和公用表格的下載量均錄得顯 著升幅。 The Departmental website was revampedwhichmade the homepage easier to navigate and more user friendly. Since the revamp, notable increase in the click rate and the download rate on publications and public formswere recorded. 2010 擴大普通法律援助計劃及法律 援助輔助計劃的援助範圍(詳 情請參閱第十五頁)。 Scope of services under the OLAS and SLAS expanded (Please refer to P.15 for details). 2012 推出手機版的經濟審查計算 程式,方便市民評估其財務 狀況是否符合申請法援的資 格。 Mobile version of the Means Test Calculator was launched, providing a convenient way for users to find out whether they are eligible for legal aid on means. 2011.5.18 普通法援計劃及輔助計劃的財 務資格限額大幅提高,前者 由175,800港元提升至260,000 港元,升幅達4 8%,後者 由488,400港元提升至1,300,000 港元,升幅達166%。 FELs for the OLAS and SLAS substantially increased. For the former, it was raised from HK$175,800 to HK$260,000, which represented an increase of 48%, while the latter was adjusted by 166% from HK$488,400 to HK$1,300,000. 2011 進一步提升部門入門網站,方 便法律援助律師使用。《法律 援助律師名冊》內的所有律師 均獲發個人用戶識別碼和密 碼,以便隨時登入入門網站。 The Department's Portal was further enhanced to make it more user friendly for legal aid practitioners. All lawyers on Legal Aid Panel were issued with individual ID and password for instant access to the Portal. 2013 2014.11 金鐘道政府合署的申請組接 待處完成翻新。全新設計的 諮詢及申請組設有5個專用會 面室,為申請人提供更舒適 的地方,讓他們可在私隱度 更高的環境下向法援署職員 提供個案資料,而無障礙的 設計更方便有需要的人士使 用法援署服務。 Refurbishment of reception area of the application unit at the Queensway Government Offices completed. A newly designed Information & Application Services Unit with five designated interview rooms were opened. Apart from offering a more comfortable and private environment for the applicants to provide their case information to the staff, its barrier free design also facilitates those in need to have better access to services. 2014 法援歲月 Legal Aid over the Years 法援服務、關愛惠民 Legal Aid for the People