法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.47 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 2008年推出法律援助電子服務。 Legal Aid Electronic Services Portal launched in 2008. 2009年申訴專員嘉許獎大獎。 Grand Award of The Ombudsman’s Awards 2009. 2005.3 推出「法援婚姻訴訟個案家事 調解試驗計劃」。 The “Pilot Scheme on Legal Aid for Mediation in Matrimonial Cases” was introduced. 修訂《2005年法律援助(評定 資源及分擔費用)規例》,法 律援助申請人支付的贍養費及 其於工作期間為照顧其受養人 而須支付的款項可獲扣減;在 法援人身傷害案中收取的的保 險賠款亦可獲扣減。 LegalAid (Assessment of Resources and Contributions) Regulation 2005 Amendments introduced deduction of expenses for dependant’s care whilst applicant at work and maintenance paid by applicant; deduction for insurance money received in personal injury claim. 2005.5 展開司法覆核及臨時禁制令申 請,以阻止警務處處長於法援 署的刑事組辦公室執行搜查令 以調查一宗刑事案件。如果警 方執行搜查令,該搜查將侵犯 法律專業保密權,亦即訴訟的 基本權利。該司法覆核其後獲 批出許可。同年7月,警務處 處長承諾不執行該搜查令,法 援署於是撤回司法覆核申請。 An application was commenced by the Department for judicial review and interim injunction to restrain the Commissioner of Police from executing a search warrant at the office of the Crime Section of the Department in furtherance of an investigation into an offence. If executed, purported search violates legal professional privilege which is a fundamental right of litigation. Leave for judicial review was granted to the Department. In July 2005, upon the Commissioner’s undertaking not to execute the search warrant, the Department withdrew the judicial review. 2005 2007.7.1 撥歸民政事務局管轄,制訂法 律援助政策及監察各項法律援 助計劃運作的職務,改由該局 負責。 The Home Affairs Bureau took over the responsibilities for formulating legal aid policy and overseeing the implementation of the legal aid schemes. 2009.5.29 普通法援計劃及輔助計劃的 財務資格限額,自2004年以 來經過 4 次調整後,分別 提升至175,800港元及488,400 港元。 After four adjustments since 2004, FELs for the OLAS and SLAS increased to HK$175,800 and HK$488,400 respectively. 2007 推行試驗計劃,利用電子文 件管理系統處理刑事法律援 助個案。 法律援助輔助計劃的最終分 擔費比率由12%降至10%。 法援署署長第一押記的利率 改為隨每年的市場走勢作出 調整,而非如以往般把利率固 定為每年10%。 Pilot scheme on electronic document management system for criminal legal aid cases launched. The rate of final contribution paid by aided persons under the SLAS reduced from 12% to 10%. First charge interest rate to be adjusted annually according to market movement instead of fixed annual rate of 10%. 2006 推出法律援助電子服務入門 網站。 Legal Aid Electronic Services Portal launched. 2008 2009.11 獲頒「2009年申訴專員嘉許獎 大獎」(部門/機構)。 The Department received the Grand Award of The Ombudsman's Awards 2009 for Departments/ Organisations. 2009 法援歲月 Legal Aid over the Years