法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.46 2000年法律援助署三十周年紀念開幕禮。 Legal Aid Department’s 30th Anniversary kick-off ceremony in 2000. 2000年法援署為工業傷亡權益會舉辦講座。 Legal aid talk for the Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims in 2000. 2000.7.3 實施《1999年法律援助(修訂) 條例》。 法律援助輔助計劃的受助人須 繳付中期分擔費。 法律援助服務的範圍擴大,為 維護社會公義需要,死者的家屬 也可在死因研訊中獲給予法律 援助。 法律援助輔助計劃的分擔費比 率由15%降至12%。 為慶祝法援署成立三十周年, 署方舉辦了一系列宣傳活動, 加深公眾對法援服務的認識。 Implementation of Legal Aid (Amendment) Ordinance 1999. Legally-aided persons were required to pay interim contribution under the SLAS. Coverage of OLAS was extended to deceased’s family members in coroners’ inquests where interests of public justice so required. Final contribution under the SLAS was lowered from 15% to 12%. To celebrate the 30thAnniversary of the Department, a series of publicity programmes were organised to enhance public understanding of the Department’s services. 2000 推行資訊系統策略計劃,職 員可隨時通過系統查閱最新 資料,方便解答查詢、審批 法援申請,以及支付費用和款 項。 Implementation of the Information Systems Strategy project, allowing staff ready access to up-to-date information so as to facilitate responses to enquiries, processing of legal aid applications and payment of fees and monies. 2002 民事案件由申請當日起計3個 月內完成審查的服務承諾, 由80%提升至85%。 Performance pledge for civil legal aid cases processed within three months from application increased from 80% to 85%. 2001 《2003年刑事案件法律援助 (修訂)規則》首次下調刑事 法律援助的收費。 Legal Aid in Criminal Cases (Amendment) Rules 2003 adjusted criminal fees downward for the first time in history. 2003.3.17 立法會首次決議降低財務資格 限額以反映2000年至2003年 期間的通貨緊縮情況。普通法 援計劃及輔助計劃的財務資格 限額,分別下調至155,800港 元及432,900港元,並於2004 年7月12日生效。 Legislative Council resolution reduced FELs for the first time in history, reflecting deflation between 2000 and 2003. FELs for the OLAS and SLAS reduced to HK$155,800 and HK$432,900 respectively, with effect from 12.7.2004. 2003 2004.7 實施《2004年刑事法律援助 (修訂)規則》以涵蓋被拘 留等候行政酌情決定的囚犯, 以及被判酌情性終身監禁刑 罰或強制性終身監禁刑罰的 囚犯,以協助他們在原訟法 庭進行由法官訂定最低刑期 的訴訟。 Legal Aid in Criminal Cases (Amendment) Rules 2004 was enacted to cover prisoners detained at Executive discretion or serving discretionary or mandatory life sentences to assist them in proceedings in the Court of First Instance before a judge for determining minimum sentence to serve. 2004 法援歲月 Legal Aid over the Years 法援服務、關愛惠民 Legal Aid for the People