法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.45 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 法援歲月 Legal Aid over the Years 1998年無線電視翡翠台法律劇集「法門」開 幕禮。 Opening ceremony of legal television drama series at TVB Jade in 1998. 1995.7.28 《1995年法律援助(修訂) 條例》實施。 普通法律援助計劃及法律援助 輔助計劃的財務資格限額,分 別提升至 1 4 4 , 0 0 0 港元及 400,000港元。普通計劃的 範圍擴大至包括向汽車保險局 申索特惠補償的人,以及向精 神健康覆核審裁處提出申請的 人。另外,因遭襲擊及毆打而 在地方法院提出的索償亦納入 法律援助範圍。 輔助計劃基金獲注資2,700萬 港元。 加強顧客服務,包括提供24小 時查詢熱線,安裝電子資料顯 示屏,以改善金鐘總部和九龍 分署的輪候情況。 改善外判個案制度,向《法律 援助律師名冊》內的律師發出 辦理法援案件的指引。 Legal Aid (Amendment) Ordinance 1995 enacted. FELs of the Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme(OLAS)andSLASraisedto HK$144,000 and HK$400,000 respectively; the OLAS expanded to cover application for ex-gratia payments from Motor Insurers' Bureau and application to Mental Health Review Tribunal. Exception provision for claims arising from assault and battery in District Court removed. Capital injection of HK$27 million for Supplementary Legal Aid Fund approved. Customer services enhanced i.e. 24 hour hotline, electronic display panels for improved queuing in Queensway Headquarters and Kowloon BranchOffice. Assigning-out system improved through issuing Guidance Notes to lawyers onLegalAid Panel handling legal aid cases. 1995 1997.5.1 實施《1997年法律援助(修 訂)條例》,普通法律援助計 劃及法律援助輔助計劃的財務 資 格 限 額 , 分 別 提 升 至 169,700港元及471,600港元。 LegalAid (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 increased FELs of the OLAS and SLAS to HK$169,700 and HK$471,600 respectively. 1997.2.17 開設地面樓層辦公室以擴充九 龍分署。 Expansion of Kowloon Branch Office with the opening of a ground floor office. 1997.9 法援署從社會福利署接手經濟 狀況調查的工作,以便監控整 個程序,並為申請人提供一站 式的服務。 The Department took over means investigation from the Social Welfare Department for better control of the whole process, allowing a one-stop service for applicants. 1997.10 成立新聞組,處理傳媒查詢,推廣公共關係及 統籌宣傳活動。 Information Unit established, handling enquiries from the media and implementing public relation and publicity programmes. 1997.11 發表審批申請所需時間的服務承諾:由申請當日起計3個月內完成民事案件的審查(80%);由申請當日起計 2個月內完成要求減刑的刑事上訴的審查(80%);由申請當日起計3個月內完成要求推翻原判的刑事上訴的 審查(80%);由申請當日起計10個工作天內完成高等法院原訟法庭/區域法院案件的審查(90%);以及由 申請當日起計8個工作天內完成交付審判程序的審查(90%)。 發表「抱負、使命及信念」聲明,為法援署訂立發展方向及企業文化綱領,同時表明提高服務質素的決心。 Performance Pledge on Processing Time introduced: civil cases within 3 months of application (80%); criminal appeal against sentence within 2 months of application (80%), criminal appeal against conviction within 3 months of application (80%), Court of First Instance of High Court/District Court cases within 10 working days of application (90%), and committal proceedings within 8 working days of application (90%). Vision, mission and value statement launched, to provide a sense of direction and a framework for the Department’s corporate culture and demonstrate its determination to improve the quality of services. 1997 1996.5 根據《法律援助服務局條 例》,成立法律援助服務 局。成員包括由法律界人士 提名的律師,以及由當時總 督(現行政長官)分別於商 界、政界、學術界及慈善機 構等界別所挑選的業外人士 (包括主席)。法援署署長則 為當然成員。 Pursuant to Legal Aid Services Council Ordinance, the Legal Aid Services Council was established, comprising lawyers nominated by the legal profession and lay members (including the chairman) selected by formerly the Governor (now the Chief Executive) from business, politics, academia and charitable organisations. The Director of Legal Aid was an ex-officio member. 推出法援署網頁。 Legal Aid Department homepage launched. 1996.9 法律援助服務局正式投入 運作。 Legal Aid Services Council began operations. 1996 1998.6 成立內部審核組,負責協助管 理層監管部門程序及系統。 Internal Audit Section established, assisting management on control procedures and systems. 1998.5 在灣仔合和中心開設香港分 處。 Opening of Hong Kong Sub-office in Hopewell Centre, Wanchai. 1998 發表有關付款安排的服務承 諾。 出版小冊子以加深公眾對法 援署的認識。 Performance pledge on payment introduced. Pamphlets enhancing public understanding of the Department published. 1999 Temporary enquiry tables for young right of abode claimants in 1997. 1997年處理有關年輕人居留權 查詢的臨時櫃枱。