法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.44 法援服務、關愛惠民 Legal Aid for the People 法援歲月 Legal Aid over the Years 上世紀八十年代的香港經濟開始蓬勃,法律援助署的服務範疇亦不斷擴大。 In the 1980s, the services of the Legal Aid Department kept expanding to keep pace with Hong Kong’s booming economy. 1984.1.1 刑事法援範圍擴大至包括在裁 判司署進行的交付審判程序。 Criminal legal aid extended to committal proceedings in the magistrates’ court. 1984.10.1 推出法律援助輔助計劃。 Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme (SLAS) launched. 1984 1986.8.2. 法律援助署從先施大廈遷至金 鐘道政府合署。 Legal Aid Department moved from Sincere Building to Queensway Government Offices. 1986 政府推行「服務市民」計劃。 法援署在嚴格檢討整體運作過 程及與公眾的溝通情況後,根 據目標與表現準則評核各項職 能,並通過發展以客為本的服 務文化,再提升各項服務的質 素。 The government launched a “Serving the Community” programme. By taking a critical review of its operational processes and public interface, the Department defined its work in terms of objectives and performance measures, promoting quality of service through enhancing a client-based culture. 1992.7.1 《1991年法律援助(修訂) 條例》實施,設立財務能力為 經濟審查的統一準則。而財務 資格限額定為120,000港元。 Legal Aid (Amendment) Ordinance 1991 enacted introducing a single criterion of financial capacity in means test. The financial eligibility limit (FEL) was set at HK$120,000. 1992 1993.10 The first performance pledge was published, allowing the public to understand the scope and standard of service available. It was an effective tool for the Department to monitor and enhance performance. 推行多項全新的客戶服務,包 括24小時電話熱線及數碼顯 示輪候系統等。 發表首份服務承諾,讓公眾知 道法援署的服務範圍及標準, 亦可使法援署有效監察及優化 服務質素。 New customer service measures introduced, including 24-hour telephone hotline and a digital display queuing system. 1993 法律援助政策檢討工作小組 的報告建議,成立法律援助 服務局及改善法律援助計 劃;建議於1995年實行。 WorkingGroup on LegalAid Policy Review Report recommended establishment of Legal Aid Services Council and changes to legal aid scheme; implemented by 1995 amendment. 1994 Official Solicitor Ordinance came into operations. Introduction of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, by which provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as applied to Hong Kong were incorporated into the domestic law of Hong Kong. The Director of Legal Aid was given the discretion in the next year to grant legal aid in criminal cases where financial resources exceeded the limit, further serving the interests of justice. 1991 1991.8.1 《法定代表律師條例》實施。 1991.6 《香港人權法案條例》通過, 將《公民權利和政治權利國際 公約》適用於香港條文納入香 港法律。法援署署長翌年獲賦 予酌情權,可向財務資源超出 上限的刑事法援申請人批出法 援,進一步維護司法公正。 九龍分署遷到旺角政府合署。 Branch office in Mongkok moved to Mongkok Govern- ment Offices. 辦公室內與申請人會面。 Meeting with applicants in the office. 推行數碼顯示輪候系統。 Digital display queuing system introduced. 相片由Klaus Liphard提供 Photo provided by Klaus Liphard