法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法援歲月 Legal Aid over the Years 早期香港人民生活艱苦,法律援助署的出 現幫助了很多有需要的市民。 In the past, life of Hong Kong people was not easy. The establishment of the Legal Aid Department has helped a lot of people. 調整法援申請人的經濟審查規 定,每月可動用收入上限由 500港元提升至700港元;可 動用資產上限則由3,000港元 增至4,000港元。 Means test for potential legal aid recipients adjusted, with monthly disposable income increased from HK$500 to HK$700 and disposable capital from HK$3,000 to HK$4,000. 1972 Legal Aid in Criminal Case Rules amended to cover all District Court criminal trials. 1978.4.1 修訂《刑事案件法律援助規 則》將法援擴大至涵蓋所有 在地方法院的刑事案件。 1978 1973.8 法律援助署由炮台里遷到德 輔道中的先施大廈。 The Department relocated from Battery Path to Sincere Building in Des Voeux Road Central. 訴訟組成立。 Litigation Unit established. 1973 1982.4.23 法律援助涵蓋上訴到英國樞密 院司法委員會的案件。 Legal aid extended to appeals to the UK Privy Council. 1982 1983.1.3 民事法律援助案件經濟審查 下可動用收入及資產上限獲 提高。修訂《刑事案件法律 援助規則》,以提高刑事法 援案件的資產審查上限,使 民事與刑事法律援助的財務 資格看齊。修訂《法律援助 (評定資源及分擔費用)規 例》,因超逾限額而須繳付 分擔費的門檻提高,分擔費 用表有所擴大。 Thelimitsfordisposableincomeand disposable capital for civil legal aid cases were increased. At the same time, the LegalAid inCriminal Case Rules were amended to increase the limits of the means test for criminal legal aid to the same levels as civil legal aid, for uniform financial eligibility under the two legal aid schemes. Legal Aid (Assessment of Contributions) Regulations were amended for higher threshold at which contributions became payable, with contributions scales extended. 1983 於旺角彌敦道625號麗斯大厦 設立分署。 Branch office at Ritz Building, 625 Nathan Road, Mongkok opened. 1844 -1963 1966 1963 -1966 1967 對未能負擔律師服務的人士來說,唯一訴諸法律的途徑就是透過「窮民訴狀」。 根據1844年《最高法院條例》,擁有資產價值不超過50港元的人士 (資產價值 上限於1954年提高至500港元),法官會替他們委派一名代表律師。除非對訟 方被判須支付訟費或案件獲勝訴後所討回的財產可用以支付訟費,受委派的律 師不可收取費用,所以他們一般對這類案件不感興趣。就刑事案件而言,免費 法律代表的服務拓展至在最高法院可被判死刑的被告人,及在法官行使酌情權 下,案件所涉及的法律觀點需待最高法院裁斷的上訴人或被告人。 The only option for anyone in Hong Kong who was unable to afford a lawyer’s services was to present a Pauper’s Petition. According to the Supreme Court Ordinance 1844, a judge-appointed lawyer would represent a person if he possessed property not exceed- ing HK$50 (raised to HK$500 in 1954). Lawyers were assigned to represent the pauper free of charge except when costs were recovered from the opponent or from property recovered. Lawyers were therefore unmotivated to do pauper’s cases. In criminal matters, free legal representation was extended to accused person in capital cases in the Supreme Court and, subject to the judge’s discretion, to appellants and accused person whose cases involved point of law to be determined by the Supreme Court. 政府成立民事案件法律援助工作小組,並委任擁有專業資格和豐富經驗的署 長於司法機構展開工作。法援申請人須通過經濟和案情審查。 Government established a working party on legal aid for civil cases and professionally qualified and experienced director was appointed to work in the Judiciary. Applicants for legal aid must pass means and merits tests. 1966.11.23 《法律援助條例》通過。 Legal Aid Ordinance enacted. 1967.1.12 司法機構附屬部門法律援助部正式運作。 A sub-department of the Judiciary called the Legal Aid Section came into operations. 1970 1970.1.1 《1969年刑事案件法律援助 規則》生效;法律援助署署 長有權就刑事案件給予法律 援助,並負責管理及提供法 律援助服務,處理最高法院 審訊的案件,以及由最高法 院和地方法院的上訴案,以 及裁判司署上訴。 Legal Aid in Criminal Cases Rules 1969 came into force; the Director of Legal Aid became the granting authority and took over the administration of legal aid in criminal cases, which was available for trials in the Supreme Court, appeals from the Supreme Court and District Court and magistracy appeals. 1970.7.1 法律援助署正式成立,於炮台里 的法國傳道會大樓展開工作。 Legal Aid Department officially established and began operations at the French Mission building on Battery Path. 法律援助署第一所辦公室。 First Legal Aid Department Office. 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 照片由星島日報提供 Photo provided by Sing Tao Daily P.43