法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.41 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 意義重大的工作 在法援署工作30多年的日子裡,Sabrina參與過不同組別的 工作,亦曾處理過不少的項目。回望過去的工作,她深感意 義重大,具有滿足感:「能夠幫助不同的受助人,我覺得這 份工作很有意義。」 退休後,Sabrina平日參與林林總總的活動,過着和從前一樣 有意義的生活。在享受人生的同時,她亦不忘鼓勵一眾法援 署的同事:「我知道現時在政府工作並不容易,希望藉此機 會為各位同事打氣!順祝法援署50周年,生日快樂!」 觀看訪問精華片段,請掃描此 二維碼。 Please scan the QR code for the interview highlight. AMeaningful Career For more than 30 years in the Department, Sabrina worked in a number of sections and handled many projects. Looking back, she feels deeply grateful to have had such a rewarding and satisfying career: “Being able to help so many different people made my job a very meaningful one.” These days, Sabrina is making the most of her retirement life and enjoying her free time by taking part in a variety of activities, but her heart is always with colleagues of the Department: “I know that government work isn’t easy nowadays, so I would like to take this opportunity to offer some encouragement to our colleagues, and wish the Department a happy 50th birthday!” 退休後,Sabrina過着和從前一樣有意義的人生。 Sabrina is making the most of her retirement life.