法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.40 Sabrina出席頒獎典禮的酒會。 Sabrina attended the cocktail reception following the award presentation ceremony. 重要的橋樑角色 提到Sabrina在法援署最難忘的工作,要數2012年進行的一個 項目,以改善向律師及大律師支付刑事法律援助費用的付費結 構。這次結構改動牽涉範圍廣泛,除外委律師的聆訊前工作和 律師的會議費用改為按時計算外,案件的分類、相關費用和所 需準備時間亦會經事先評估,外判個案亦會註明報聘費。 為配合有關改動,Sabrina需要進行不少預備工作。「例如修 改委聘書,更新電腦軟件等。其後,還需要進行多項測試,以 及安排多次同事間的會議,收集意見。」 在這項重要工作中擔任橋樑角色,Sabrina坦言是一大挑戰。 可幸天道酬勤,在完成挑戰後,迎來的是莫大的滿足感:「同 年,公務員事務局局長向我頒發了嘉許狀,我感到很高興,這 代表我的工作獲得部門的肯定。」 An Important Bridge Speaking of her most memorable project, Sabrina recalls that in 2012, enhancements were made to the fee structure of criminal legal aid fees paid to solicitors and counsel. The scope of the enhancements was wide, which included changing the remuneration of assigned solicitors’ pre-trial work and their conference fee to time-cost basis; classification of cases and hence assessment of the fees in advance, as well as the required preparation time beforehand, and marking them on the brief when making assignment. She did a lot of preparatory work for the upcoming adjustments. “It included making amendments to the assignment letters, enhancements of computer software, etc.,” she says. “After that, we had to run multiple tests and arrange meetings with colleagues to gather feedback and suggestions.” Sabrina admits that acting as the bridge in this important project comes with huge challenges, but the gratification that comes after a job well done makes all the hard work worth it: “I received the Secretary for the Civil Service’s commendation that year. I am so delighted as it represented a recognition of my work by the Department.” 公義根基、精英團隊 An Elite Team for Justice