法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.39 Sabrina曾協助將刑事組的申請組由大樓 向海的位置,遷到向山的一方。 Sabrina helped moving Department’s Crime Registry from the sea-facing side of the building to the mountain-facing side. 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 Three Decades of Dedication Sabrina was transferred from the Official Receiver's Office to the Department in 1982, when she started out as a law clerk in the Personal Injury Litigation Section. After her promotion to Senior Law Clerk II in 1995, she had worked in the Department’s Kowloon Branch Office and Headquarters. In 2005, she was transferred to the Crime Section and was responsible for administrative work, and was promoted to Senior Law Clerk I in the following year. Part of a Senior Law Clerk I’s job is to coordinate between various sections and stakeholders. “A Senior Law Clerk I is essentially a bridge between the supervisor and their subordinates. Law clerk plays a significant role in the Department,” Sabrina explains. To help us understand her job, she shares one particular instance: One year, the Department was relocating the Crime Registry from the sea-facing side of the building to the mountain-facing side. As this relocation project involved a considerable number of staff and there was a need to implement an improved workflow, she worked closely with a fellow Senior Law Clerk I to ensure a smooth transition. “On one hand, we wanted to provide a nice work environment for our colleagues; on the other hand, we also had to make the applicants feel comfortable,” she says. “At the same time, we had to make sure that the new office environment and facilities would tie in with the overall workflow while keeping in mind the privacy of applicants.” It was a tough assignment that involved many aspects and required a well conceived plan with proper implementation and participation of different parties. It was in no way an easy task, yet Sabrina accomplished it brilliantly with flying colours. 盡心服務30載 Sabrina於1982年從破產管理署調職到法援署,最初在人身 傷害訴訟組擔任律政書記;其後在1995年晉升為高級二等 律政書記,並先後於九龍分署和金鐘總部服務。2005年, Sabrina被調派至刑事組,負責行政工作,並於翌年晉升為 高級一等律政書記。 高級一等律政書記的工作往往需要協調不同組別和持份者, Sabrina用了一個比喻來說明:「高級一等律政書記是上司 和下屬之間的一道橋樑,這個角色在部門內很重要。」 為解釋她的職責,Sabrina分享了她的一次工作經驗。有一 年,部門要將刑事組的申請組由大樓向海的位置,遷到向 山的一方。由於這搬遷項目所牽涉的職員數目不少,亦需 要實施優化的工作流程,為確保順利遷移,Sabrina與另 一位高級一等律政書記同事通力合作:「我們一方面要讓同 事能擁有一個舒適的工作環境,另一方面亦要讓申請人覺得 舒服自在。除此之外,新辦公室環境及設施亦要配合整個 工作流程,並兼顧申請人的私隱。」這工作須考慮各方面的需 要,周詳的計劃和適當地實施,以及各方人士的參與,絕不 簡單,但Sabrina充滿幹勁,出色地完成任務。