法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.38 公義根基、精英團隊 An Elite Team for Justice 在法律援助署(法援署)工作超過30年並於2015年退休的 謝淑芬,曾任職署內不同科別,並處理過不同的工作。回想 多年來在法援署的工作,Sabrina認為那是畢生難忘的經歷, 過程充滿挑戰、滿足感和美好回憶。 Sabrina Tse retired from the Legal Aid Department in 2015 after spending over 30 years working in various divisions. Looking back at her long career, she says that it was an unforgettable experience of a lifetime — one that is full of challenges, satisfaction and beautiful memories. 「能夠幫助不同的受助人,我覺得這份工作 很有意義。」 “Being able to help so many different people made my job a very meaningful one.” 謝淑芬 Sabrina Tse 法律援助署前高級一等律政書記 Former Senior Law Clerk I of the Legal Aid Department 竭誠服務 孜孜不倦 To Serve with Dedication