法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

As for applicants who fail to obtain legal aid, the Department always tries its best to explain the reason of refusal to them based on application requirements and prospect of success. In one case Helen recalls, the applicant wanted to file an injury claim, but after looking into the case, the Department considered that the compensation would likely be very limited and the claim fell within the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Tribunal, for which legal aid does not cover. “Right after we explained that to him, he was quite upset and even said that he had lost faith in the Government.” However, the story comes with a twist. “Shortly after, we received an email from this applicant thanking us for our services and explanation,” Helen finds it encouraging that the Department’s sincerity receives understanding and recognition from applicants. With a relentless pursuit for justice and wholehearted devotion to public service, the Department has been consistently improving its services over the years, striving to make legal aid more accessible for the public. As the Department celebrates its golden jubilee, Helen wishes to share the joy and inspiration with her colleagues: “I’m so thankful to have a wonderful, fulfilling career in the Department. I hope all of us continue to work together and help create a society of justice, truth and kindness.” 至於未能獲批法援的申請人,署方亦會就申請的條件、勝訴 機會等因素,盡力向他們解釋未能批出法援的原因。Helen 提到一個讓她記憶猶新的申索傷亡賠償個案。署方經了解個 案後,認為申索到的賠償金額可能會很少,屬於小額錢債審 裁處管轄範圍,而法律援助不涵蓋審裁處案件。「在向申請 人解釋後,他很不開心,甚至表示不再信任政府。」但故事 的結局卻出乎意料:「不久之後,竟收到這位申請人的電郵, 感謝我們提供的服務和解釋。」真誠的付出終得到申請人的 理解,這令Helen倍覺鼓舞。 憑藉對公義的追求和為市民服務的熱誠,法援署不斷改善服 務,務求為申請人和受助人提供更多協助。Helen希望在這 法援署金禧之年與同事互勉:「感謝部門為我們提供了一個 理想的服務機會,希望大家繼續上下齊心,幫助構建一個重 公義、揚真理、顯關懷的社會。」 真誠的付出終得到申請人的理解,令Helen倍覺 鼓舞。 Helen finds it encouraging that the Department’s sincerity receives understanding and recognition from applicants. 觀看訪問精華片段,請掃描此 二維碼。 Please scan the QR code for the interview highlight. P.37 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊