法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.35 Helen認為憑着團隊互助精神,難題最終 都會迎刃而解。 To Helen, teamwork is the key to solving problems at work. Teamwork is Key The Application and Processing Division and the Litigation Division have vastly different responsibilities. The former handles legal aid applications, and assigns cases to the Litigation Division of the Department or lawyers in private practice on the Legal Aid Panel. While working in the Litigation Division, she spent most of her time in the Civil Litigation Section, in charge of civil litigation and relevant proceedings. Having dealt with a wide variety of applications and cases during her time at the Department, Helen admits that the biggest challenge to her is how to handle cases that she is unfamiliar with. At times like that, on top of researching information on her own, Helen also regularly seeks help and guidance from colleagues and supervisors. “One of the best things about the Department is that all of our colleagues are incredibly nice and helpful,” she says, adding that teamwork is the key to solving problems at work. 在困難中體現團隊互助 申請及審查科和訴訟科的工作可謂截然不同。在申請及審查 科工作時,Helen主要負責處理法援申請,然後交由法援署 訴訟科的律師或委託在法律援助律師名冊上的私人執業律師 辦理個案;而在訴訟科期間,Helen隸屬民事訴訟組,主要 負責處理民事案件及進行訴訟工作。 在法援署工作,經常會面對林林總總的案件和法援申請。 Helen坦言,工作中最大的困難就是處理不熟悉的個案。遇 到這種情況,除了翻查資料外,Helen很多時都會在同事及 上司的協助下找到解決方法。她說:「法援署的特別之處, 在於同事們的熱忱和互相幫助的精神。」因此,在遇到困難 時,她都會請教同事和上司。憑着這樣的團隊互助精神,難 題最終都會迎刃而解。 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊