法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.34 蔡楚如(Helen)在1996年加入法律援助署(法援署),曾在申 請及審查科和訴訟科工作。由於法援署的主要工作是協助在 法律上有合理理據,但經濟上未能負擔訟費的人進行訴訟, 出身草根家庭的Helen因此深感法援服務意義重大,於是加 入法援署,展開了至今逾20年的法援工作。 Helen Choi joined the Legal Aid Department in 1996 and has served in two divisions: the Application and Processing Division, and the Litigation Division. The Department’s main mission is to provide legal representation to those with reasonable grounds for taking or defending a legal action but unable to afford the legal costs required. Coming from a grassroots background, Helen understands the importance of the Department’s work and has dedicated herself to its cause for more than 20 years. 「希望大家繼續上下齊心,共同構建一個 重公義、揚真理、顯關懷的社會。」 “Hope all of us continue to work together and help create a society of justice, truth and kindness.” 蔡楚如 Helen Choi 法律援助署高級法律援助律師 Senior Legal Aid Counsel of the Legal Aid Department 致力法援 盡心服務 Serve with Wholehearted Devotion 公義根基、精英團隊 An Elite Team for Justice