法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 P.33 Facing Challenges with Professionalism By the time Ivan took up a post in Crime Section, he had to handle a case related to child abuse. He came across with an image of a baby girl’s dead body when going through the documents. Though being struck by the image, he understands that viewing offence related photos is part of the job for the professional officers in Crime Section. Brutal imagery can take an emotional toll on everyone. He must let go of his personal emotions in order to ensure that the legal rights of all applicants and aided persons are protected. In addition, as a member of the Legal Aid Counsel Association, Ivan has been dedicated to connect fellow colleagues with the management. "The Association works like a union in the sense that it enables frontline employees to express their needs and difficulties to the management," says Ivan. "With a better understanding of the working conditions of our colleagues, the management strives to formulate appropriate policies and decisions to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Department as a whole.” Having spent over a decade in the Department, Ivan has witnessed the amazing changes in the Department, as well as its extraordinary growth and unwavering commitment to providing quality legal aid services to society. However, as the modern society encounters increasingly complicated social issues, the Department will undoubtedly face bigger and tougher challenges in the days to come. For that, Ivan offers some words of encouragement to his colleagues: “I would like to see all of us continue to live up to the public expectations by working with dedication and diligence, so as to fulfil our performance pledge of safeguarding the rule of law in Hong Kong.” 以專業態度迎接挑戰 Ivan剛調任刑事組時,須處理一宗疏忽照顧嬰兒的案件。在有 關檔案中,他看到該女嬰屍體的照片時,感到非常難過。 但他明白在刑事組工作,不時都會接觸到跟刑事案件相關的 照片,當中有些難免令人深感不安,並會因此觸動一些個人 情緒和感受。然而,作為法律援助律師,他必須放下這些個 人情緒和感受,持平地就每宗申請進行審查及監察案件的進 度,確保申請人及受助人的法律權益獲得保障。 在工作以外,Ivan亦加入了法律援助律師協會,致力連繫前 線同事和管理層。Ivan指:「協會的角色與工會類似,讓同 事向管理層反映在工作上的感受、需要和困難。管理層在了 解前線同事的情況後,可以更有效地作出政策和管理上的配 合,從而提升部門的整體效率。」 在法援署工作的十多年間,Ivan見證了部門的重大改變與發 展,以及堅定不移地為社會提供優質的法援服務。然而,隨 着社會不斷進步,須面對的問題亦越趨複雜,法援署難免會 遇到更大、更棘手的挑戰。因此他希望與同事共勉:「期望 大家在未來的日子繼續不負市民所托、盡忠職守,實踐捍衞 香港法治的服務承諾。」 儘管法援署的日常工作繁重,Ivan仍竭力參與工作 以外的各種活動。 Despite his busy work schedule, Ivan makes a conscious effort to participate in other activities.