法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.31 面對繁重的工作,Ivan與同事們積極商討 案件、互相幫忙。 Facing heavy workload, Ivan and his colleagues proactively discuss with and assist each other at work. Playing Different Roles The main responsibilities in the Application and Processing Division include processing legal aid applications and monitoring assigned out cases. When Ivan first arrived in the Division, the experienced colleagues and supervisors were always happy to offer advice and share their experience. Till this day, Ivan is still incredibly grateful of the guidance he received as a newbie: “Everyone had a lot of work on their plates, yet they were still willing to lend a helping hand to a new colleague — I really treasured the camaraderie.” Eight years later, Ivan returned to his old division as an experienced counsel; since then, he has taken on the role of his previous mentors and has been offering generous assistance and support to newcomers. Speaking of his personality, Ivan admits that he is a better listener than a talker. “Our applicants come from all walks of life and are facing different situations,” he explains. “In order to find the best ways to help them, we have to really listen to them and understand their thoughts and feelings.” 在團隊內扮演不同角色 申請及審查科的工作主要是處理法援申請,包括就每宗申請 進行經濟及案情審查,及監察外判個案等。記得剛加入法援 署時,Ivan是部門的新手,前輩們縱使工作繁重仍樂於指導 他並與他分享經驗。Ivan至今仍心存感激:「每位同事的工 作量都不少,但他們仍願意幫助新同事,實在很難得。」相 隔八年再回到申請及審查科,Ivan已成為較有經驗的法律援 助律師,也擔當有如當年前輩們的角色,積極幫助身邊的新 同事。 談到本身的性格,Ivan坦言善於聆聽多於表達自己。他認為: 「申請人來自不同背景,面對不同的狀況。我們要虛心聆聽 申請人的想法、感受,才能找到最佳的方法去幫助他們。」 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊