法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

Ivan自2001年起成為私人執業律師,主要處理刑事案件。 為能接觸行內更廣泛的工作,他在2007年加入法律援助署, 並在申請及審查科服務。其後,他曾於署內不同科別工作, 包括訴訟科的刑事組及民事訴訟(2)組,處理不同類型的 案件。在2017年,他被調回申請及審查科。 P.30 Ivan Yim started working as a private practice lawyer in 2001, specialising in criminal litigation. With an intention to broaden his experiences in the legal field, he joined the Legal Aid Department in 2007 and was posted to the Application and Processing Division. Since then he has served in various sections within the Department, including Crime Section and Civil Litigation (2) Section, working on cases of different natures. He was posted back to the Application and Processing Division in 2017. 「法援署的同事在龐大工作壓力下,仍能 協助維護香港社會的法治。」 “Colleagues of the Department are able to work under immense pressure to help the city in maintaining the rule of law.” 嚴賢麟 Ivan Yim 法律援助署高級法律援助律師 Senior Legal Aid Counsel of the Legal Aid Department 發揮團隊力量 The Power of Team Spirit 公義根基、精英團隊 An Elite Team for Justice