法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.26 Hong Kong in the 1970s was an attractive place to Patrick Moss. Having a long held ambition to travel to the Far East, he took the opportunity to leave private practice in Oxfordshire when his partners were disinclined to share more of the profits despite the fact that he had been a major contributor with litigation and commercial work. Having been successfully interviewed for the post of Legal Aid Officer, he arrived with his wife and daughter in Hong Kong in March 1977. He was immediately fascinated by the crowds scurrying everywhere, the bright lights and the large Chinese characters then displayed along the Cross Harbour Tunnel. 談法援 憶往事 Age of Reason 公義根基、精英團隊 An Elite Team for Justice 對穆士賢來說,七十年代的香港是一個富吸引力的地方。 他本來在牛津郡私人執業,負責大部分的訴訟和商業工作; 儘管如此,合伙人仍不願增加他的報酬。他於是決定遠赴一 直渴望前往的遠東區尋求發展。在通過法律援助主任的面試 後,他和妻子及女兒於1977年3月抵達香港。人群急速的 腳步、五光十色的景象,以及海底隧道旁耀眼的中文字廣告 等,都令這位初來乍到的西方人著迷不已。 「同事之間志同道合,深信工作意義重大, 努力不懈使法援署的工作受人賞識。」 “Within the officers in the Department, there was a strong sense of belief in what they were doing and a camaraderie that made the LAD a force to be reckonedwith.” 穆士賢 Patrick Moss 法律援助署署長 1984-1993 Director of Legal Aid 1984-1993