法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

Onwards and Upwards As the Department celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, Kwong is optimistic and full of plans for the next 50 years. Never one to rest on his laurels, he believes that streamlining to achieve greater efficiency for those in need by making full use of technology is the way forward. “Legal aid plays an important role in ensuring access to justice as prescribed under Article 35 of the Basic Law,” he states. “With its operational independence enshrined in the Legal Aid Ordinance and the Legal Aid in Criminal Cases Rules, I am confident that the Legal Aid Department will continue to play its part as an important component of Hong Kong’s rule of law.” 成就更好 在慶祝法援署成立50周年的同時,署長對下一個50年亦充 滿計劃和信心。懷着力求進步的精神,他相信法援署未來 應充分利用科技,精簡流程,以進一步提升服務效率。 「法律援助對確保市民享有《基本法》第35條訂明的尋求 公義權利,扮演着重要角色。」他指:「《法律援助條例》 和《刑事案件法律援助規則》均訂明法援署運作獨立, 因此我有信心法律援助署在維護香港法治方面,繼續扮演 重要角色。」 觀看訪問精華片段,請掃描此 二維碼。 Please scan the QR code for the interview highlight. P.25 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 署長有信心法律援助會繼續作為香港法治的重要部分。 Kwong is confident that legal aid will continue to play its part as an important component of Hong Kong’s rule of law.