法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

追求公義,可說是鄺寶昌署長的家族傳統。縱使兩人從未 見面,但啟發署長在法律界發展的,正正就是他的祖父。 「在我成長的時期,父親告訴我關於祖父的故事:他在台山 經常主動協助村民維護法律權益。」他憶述:「我覺得祖父 的工作很有意義。如非戰爭的緣故, 我父親也會攻讀法律。 所以他全力鼓勵和支持我成為律師。」 P.20 It may be argued that a desire for justice is a trait prevalent in Thomas Edward Kwong’s family. The Director of Legal Aid admits that his grandfather was the inspiration for his pursuit of a law career—although the two men have never met. “When I was growing up, my father told me stories about how my grandfather used to voluntarily help fellow villagers in Taishan on legal matters,” Kwong recalls. “By all accounts, he did a lot of good. If it was not for the war intervening, my father would have followed the same path. And he fully supported my decision to become a lawyer.” 「香港的法律援助服務獲提供充裕資源, 而且不論居住地和國籍,任何人都可申請 法律援助。」 “Legal aid here is well resourced and is available to everyone irrespective of residence or nationality.” 鄺寶昌 Thomas Edward Kwong 法律援助署署長 Director of Legal Aid 維護社會平等 Equality for Everyone 公義根基、精英團隊 An Elite Team for Justice