法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.17 使命 抱負 信念 專業精神 Professionalism 齊心協力 Teamwork 對市民體恤關懷及積極回應 Caring and responsive 公正獨立 Independence 凡事悉力以赴 Commitment 講求效率 Efficiency and effectiveness 確保所有符合資格接受法律援助的人士不會因欠缺經濟能力而沒法尋求公義。 To ensure that no one who qualifies for legal aid is denied access to justice because of lack of means. 維持高水準的專業工作表現和操守。 To maintain the highest standards of professional excellence and ethics. 培養並維繫一支精益求精、積極進取、訓練有素及盡忠職守的工作隊伍。 To develop and maintain a highly-motivated, dynamic, well-trained and committed workforce. 與法律界人士維持緊密合作和聯繫,共同達成本署的抱負。 To work in partnership with the legal profession to reach our vision. 使法援工作盡量配合社會需求。 To anticipate and meet the ever-changing needs of society. 提供高質素的法律援助服務,作為本港法治精神的基石。 To be a cornerstone of the rule of law in Hong Kong by delivering quality legal aid services. Vision Mission Values 抱負、使命及信念 Vision, Mission & Values 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊