法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.15 2008 推出法律援助電子服務入門網站,供申 請者於網上提交預辦申請所需資料。 Launching of Legal Aid Electronic Services Portal (LAESP) for legal aid applicants to submit pre-application information through online. 網上預辦申請 Online Pre-application 2011.5.18 普通法律援助計劃的財務資格限額由 1 7 5 , 8 0 0 港元調高至 2 6 0 , 0 0 0 港元; 法律援助輔助計劃的財務資格限額,則由 488,400港元調高至1,300,000港元。 Financial eligibility limit for Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme was raised from HK$175,800 to HK$260,000 and that for the Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme (SLAS) from HK$488,400 to HK$1,300,000. 提高限額 A Further Increase 2012 擴大法律援助輔助計劃範圍,新增8項專業疏 忽的申索、保險人或其中介人在銷售個人保 險產品時涉及疏忽的申索、就售賣一手住宅 物業向賣方提出的金錢申索、以及在針對勞 資審裁處所作裁決而提出的上訴中,為僱員 提供法律代表。 The scope of SLAS was expanded to cover negligence claims against eight types of professionals, negligence claims against insurers or their intermediaries in respect of the taking out of personal insurance products, monetary claims against vendors in the sale of first hand residential properties, and representation for employees in appeals from Labour Tribunal. 擴大專業疏忽申索的範圍 Scopes Expanded for Negligence Claims 2012.3 改善刑事法律援助的付費結構,包括律師聆訊前的工作按 時計酬,以及會議費用按時數付予律師。此外,個別案件 的分類和相關費用,以及所需準備時間,會經事先評估, 並在外判個案時註明報聘費。 The structure of payment of criminal legal aid fees was enhanced by remunerating pre-trial work of lawyers according to the time required; assessing conference fee payable to solicitors on an hourly basis; and classifying a particular case and assessing the rates and the required preparation time beforehand and having them marked on the brief on assignment. 改善刑事法律援助的付費結構 Criminal Legal Aid Fees Restructured 2015 受助人和公眾可使用自動櫃員機提款卡或信 用卡在自動櫃員機向法援署繳付款項,或使 用網上銀行服務繳款,能讓受助人和公眾 更方便地繳付款項。 Aided persons and the public may make payment to LAD with their ATM cards or credit cards at ATMs or through internet banking. The new payment methods afford greater convenience to aided persons and the public 更多繳款方式 New Payment Methods 2018 推出電子預約系統,讓公眾可通過本署網頁進 入法律援助電子服務入門網站,預約索取與申 請有關的表格及文件。由2019年起,電子預 約系統更可支援流動裝置。 An electronic appointment system was launched for the public to make appointment to obtain application-related forms and documents via the LAESP on LAD’s website. The electronic appointment system further supports mobile device since 2019. 加強電子通訊 Enhancement of E-communication 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 2010