法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.14 1999 推出題材廣泛的小冊子,以加強公眾對法援署服務的 認識,包括怎樣申請法援、法律援助訴訟的分擔費及 法援署署長的第一押記。 Pamphlets covering a wide range of topics were published to enhance public understanding of legal aid services, such as ways to apply for legal aid, legal aid contribution and DLA’s First Charge. 加強公眾認識 Enhance Public Understanding 2005.3 推行「法援婚姻訴訟個案家事調 解試驗計劃」。 Introduction of the “Pilot Scheme on Legal Aid for Mediation in Matrimonial Cases”. 調解試驗計劃 Pilot Scheme on Mediation 1997.10 推出網頁,方便公眾於網上獲得法 援署的資訊。 Homepage was launched for the public to obtain on-line information about LAD. 法援署網頁 Homepage of LAD 1997.11 公布審批申請所需時間的服務承諾,同年亦 發表「抱負、使命及信念」的聲明。其後, 於1999年進一步公布有關付款安排的服務承 諾。 Performance pledge on processing time was introduced. Vision, mission and values statements were also launched. Subsequently in 1999, the performance pledge on payment was introduced. 服務承諾 Performance Pledge 1998.10 出版《香港法律援助服務指南》 小冊子。 A pamphlet entitled “A Guide to Legal Aid Services in Hong Kong” was published. 全新小冊子 New Pamphlet 2006 根據《法律援助(財產的押記)(利率) 規例》,法援署署長第一押記的利率每 年會隨市場走勢而變動,而非如以往般 把年息率固定為10%。 According to Legal Aid (Charge on Property) (Rate of Interest) Regulation, DLA’s first charge interest rate would vary annually according to market movement instead of fixed annual rate of 10%. 市場機制 Market Mechanism 2008 出版不同族裔語言的法律援助服務小冊子。 Leaflets on legal aid services published in languages of people of different races. 關注不同族裔的需要 Respond to Concern of People of Different Races 光輝里程 Milestones 1990 2000