法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

P.13 1984.1.1 刑事法援擴大至包括在裁判司 署進行的交付審判程序。 Criminal legal aid was extended to cover committal proceedings in the Magistrates’ Court. 擴大刑事法援 Criminal Legal Aid Extended 1984.10.1 推行法律援助輔助計劃,為未能通過經濟審查但有合理 理據提出申索,而財政資源又未能負擔高昂訴訟費用的 人士提供協助。該計劃為全球首個以訴訟結果決定收費 的法律援助計劃,並於1990年代轉為自負盈虧營運。 The Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme came into operation to provide legal representation for people who had reasonable grounds to claim but did not qualify for legal aid because they did not pass the means tests but, nonetheless, were unable to afford the high costs of litigation from their own financial resources. It was the first contingency legal aid fund in the world and became self-financing in 1990s. 法律援助輔助計劃 The Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme 1992.7.1 《1991年法律援助(修訂)條例》生 效,以「經濟能力」作為經濟審查 的單一準則,取代以可動用收入和 可動用資產作為審查標準,為只有 入息或只有資產的申請者提供更公 平的審查機制。 The Legal Aid (Amendment) Ordinance 1991 came into operation to replace the criteria of disposable income and disposable capital in the means test with a single criterion of “financial capacity” with the aim of achieving a system fairer to persons having only income or capital. 更公平機制 Fairer System 1982.4.23 法律援助擴大至涵蓋上訴到英國樞 密院的案件。 Legal aid was extended to cover appeals to the Privy Council. 涵蓋樞密院 All the Way to Privy Council 1991.8.1 《法定代表律師條例》通過,由法律援助 署署長出任首位法定代表律師,在訴訟中 代表法律上無行為能力(即未滿18歲或精神 上無行為能力)的人士的利益。 The enactment of the Official Solicitor Ordinance appointing DLA as the first Official Solicitor who represents the interests of persons under a disability of age or mental capacity in proceedings (i.e. persons under the age of 18 or mentally incapacitated persons). 法定代表律師條例 Official Solicitor Ordinance 1995.7.28 《1995年法律援助(修訂)條例》生效,若 申請者依據《香港人權法案條例》和《公 民權利和政治權利國際公約》適用於香港 的規定而提出合理理據的申索,法援署署 長可酌情免除其財務資源審查的限額。 Legal Aid (Amendment) Ordinance 1995 came into operation and DLA has discretion to waive the limit of financial resources in the cases of applicants who have satisfied DLA that they have reasonable grounds to claim under the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as applied to Hong Kong. 進一步支援 Further Support 1996.9.1 法律援助服務局正式成立,負責監管由法 律援助署提供的法律援助服務,並就法律 援助政策向政府提供意見。 Legal Aid Services Council was set up to supervise the provision of legal aid services provided by LAD and to advise the Government on legal aid policy. 法律援助服務局 Legal Aid Services Council 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 1980 1990