法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 | Legal Aid Department 50th Anniversary Commemorative Publication

本署向來重視為市民提供優質的顧客服務。我們致力創新, 積極投入資源,利用先進科技的優點提升服務,並取得顯著成 效。過去二十年,本署推出了各項嶄新的服務,為市民帶來方 便,當中包括設立法律援助電子服務入門網站,讓市民在網上 提交預辦申請所需資料,執業律師亦可經該系統提交法援個案 報告。本署的網站亦設有經濟審查計算程式,市民可藉此初步 了解自己的財務狀況是否符合申請法援的財務資格。此外,市 民可利用繳費靈、自動櫃員機及網上銀行等,更便捷地繳付款 項,還可透過掃描二維碼即時簡易地經流動裝置閱覽本署的小 冊子。本署的網站亦新增了電子預約系統,供擬申請法援的人 在網上預約索取各類與申請法援相關的表格及文件。另外, 為向申請人提供更舒適的環境,本署翻新了總部及九龍分署的 等候區及會面室。本署一直努力不懈,全力以赴地提供優質服 務,並獲得社會肯定,成績令人鼓舞。本署分別在2009年及 2016年榮獲申訴專員嘉許獎(公營機構獎)大獎,並在2015年獲 頒申訴專員嘉許獎(公營機構獎)。此外,本署更獲頒2019年公 務員優質服務獎勵計劃「特別嘉許獎—安健工作間」及「部門 精進服務獎 (小部門組別)銅獎」,成就獲得肯定。 公正透明的法律援助制度,對維護法治起着舉足輕重的作用。 多年來,本署一直十分珍視與各界的溝通,並通過不同途徑及活 動,與法律援助服務局、立法會、法律界、持份者、非政府機構 及市民接觸。富有成效的交流有助各方面互相理解,並指引着本 署不斷改進。 法律援助政策範疇在2007年7月從政務司司長辦公室轉移至 民政事務局。其後,法律援助服務局在參考當時一個顧問研究報 告後,建議法援署重新定位,本署於是由2018年7月起,在架構 上重新撥歸政務司司長直接管轄。不管過去經歷怎麼樣的轉變, 未來又會面對什麼樣的挑戰,法律援助署署長都會竭盡所能,以 公正、透明及負責任的態度執行法定職能,而法援署一直以來不 偏不倚地提供法援服務的立場亦會始終不變。 多年來,本署職員克盡厥職,辦事高效專業,並懷着滿腔熱誠盡 心為市民服務,任重而道遠。本人衷心希望本紀念特刊不但記錄 了法援署在過去半世紀所作的貢獻,更會啟迪讀者,從中明白法 律援助對維護司法公正是不可或缺的,而本署亦會藉着提供卓越 的法援服務,繼續擔當守護香港法治的基石。 P.11 法律援助署五十周年紀念特刊 waiting areas as well as the interview rooms in the Headquarters and the Kowloon Branch Office. It is also encouraging to know that our efforts and determination to provide quality service have earned the recognition from the community. We were selected for the Grand Award of The Ombudsman’s Awards for Public Organisations in 2009 and 2016 respectively and the Award of The Ombudsman’s Awards for Public Organisations in 2015. The Department was also awarded a Special Citation (Workplace Safety and Wellness) and Bronze Prize in Departmental Service Enhancement Award (Small Department Category) under the Civil Service Outstanding Service Award Scheme 2019 in recognition of our efforts. A transparent and impartial legal aid system plays a significant role in upholding the rule of law. In all these years, we value the opportunities to meet with the Legal Aid Services Council (LASC), Legislative Council, legal profession, stakeholders, non-governmental organisations and the public through different channels and activities. The fruitful exchange of views helps foster mutual understanding and provide insight for our continuous improvement. The legal aid portfolio was transferred from the Office of the Chief Secretary for Administration (CS) to the Home Affairs Bureau in July 2007. Since July 2018, on the recommendation of LASC after a recent consultancy study, the Department has been re-positioned and made directly accountable to CS. Whatever the change has been and will be, the Director of Legal Aid has endeavoured to exercise the statutory functions in an impartial, transparent and accountable manner. The established independence in the delivery of legal aid services will never be affected. Over the years, our dedicated staff members have worked with efficiency and professionalism, coupled with a strong sense of mission to serve the community. I hope this publication will, not only serve as a recollection of the contributions the Department made in the past half century, but also help inspire our readers that legal aid is indispensable to the course of justice and, by delivering quality legal aid services, the Department maintains the role as a cornerstone of the rule of law in Hong Kong. 鄺寶昌 Thomas Edward Kwong 法律援助署署長 Director of Legal Aid